- usufructuary
- 1. [͵ju:z(j)ʋʹfrʌktʃərı] n юр.
узуфруктарий2. [͵ju:z(j)ʋʹfrʌktʃərı] a юр.относящийся к узуфрукту
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
usufructuary — usu·fruc·tu·ary 1 /ˌyü zə frək chə ˌwer ē, sə / n pl ar·ies: one who has a usufruct in property the right of usufruct expires upon the death of the usufructuary Louisiana Civil Code compare naked owner at owner usu … Law dictionary
Usufructuary — U su*fruc tu*a*ry, a. (Law) Of or pertaining to a usufruct; having the nature of a usufruct. [1913 Webster] The ordinary graces bequeathed by Christ to his church, as the usufructuary property of all its members. Coleridge. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Usufructuary — U su*fruc tu*a*ry, n. [L. usufructuarius.] (Law) A person who has the use of property and reaps the profits of it. Wharton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
usufructuary — [yo͞o΄zyoo fruk′cho͞o er΄ē, yo͞osyoofruk′cho͞o er΄ē] n. pl. usufructuaries [LL usufructuarius] a person or agent having the usufruct of property adj. of, or having the nature of, a usufruct … English World dictionary
usufructuary — I. noun Date: circa 1618 1. one having the usufruct of property 2. one having the use or enjoyment of something II. adjective Date: 1710 of, relating to, or having the character of a usufruct … New Collegiate Dictionary
usufructuary — /yooh zoo fruk chooh er ee, soo , yoohz yoo , yoohs /, adj., n., pl. usufructuaries. Roman and Civil Law. adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or of the nature of usufruct. n. 2. a person who has a usufruct property. [1610 20; < LL usufructuarius, equiv.… … Universalium
usufructuary — 1. adjective /ˌjuːzʊˈfrʌktʃʊˌerɪ/ Of or pertaining to a usufruct. 2. noun /ˌjuːzʊˈfrʌktʃʊˌerɪ/ A person who holds property, or the use of assets, by usufruct … Wiktionary
usufructuary — n. person who has the right to use property belonging to another (Law)u·su·fruc·tu·ar·y || ‚juËsÉ™ frÊŒktʃʊerɪ‚juËsjuË frÊŒktʃʊərɪ … English contemporary dictionary
usufructuary — usu·fruc·tu·ary … English syllables
usufructuary — u•su•fruc•tu•ar•y [[t]ˌyu zʊˈfrʌk tʃuˌɛr i, sʊ , ˌyuz yʊ , ˌyus [/t]] adj. n. pl. ar•ies 1) law of or pertaining to usufruct 2) law a person who has a usufruct of property • Etymology: 1610–20; < LL … From formal English to slang
usufructuary — /juzjuˈfrʌktʃuəri/ (say yoohzyooh frukchoohuhree), /jusju / (say yoohsyooh ) adjective 1. of, relating to, or of the nature of a usufruct. –noun (plural usufructuaries) 2. a person who has a usufruct property. {Late Latin ūsūfructuārius, from… …