- ushabti
- [ʋʹʃɑ:btı] n др.-египт.
ушебти (изображавшие слуг погребальные статуэтки)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Ushabti — The ushabti (also called shabti or shawabti, with a number of variant spellings) funerary figurines were placed in tombs among the grave goods and were intended to act as substitutes for the deceased, should he be called upon to do manual labor… … Wikipedia
Ushabti — Uschebti der nubischen Königin Pianchher, Britisches Museum, London Ein Uschebti (altägypt. Antworter ; auch: Schabti, Ushabti, Ushebti, Shawabti, Shabti) ist in der Archäologie des alten Ägypten eine Statuette, häufig in Gestalt einer Mumie,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ushabti — /yooh shab tee, ooh /, n., pl. ushabti, ushabtis, ushabtiu / tee ooh /. shawabti. * * * … Universalium
ushabti — noun /uːˈʃabti/ In ancient Egypt, a figurine of a dead person, placed in their tomb to do their work for them in the afterlife. These little images were called in Egyptian “Ushabti,” or “Respondents,” and were in fact supposed to act as servants… … Wiktionary
ushabti figure — ▪ statuette also spelled shabti or shawabty any of the small statuettes made of wood, stone, or faience that are often found in large numbers in ancient Egyptian tombs. The figures range in height from approximately 4 to 20 inches (10 to 50… … Universalium
Ushabti — See Shabti. Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier … Ancient Egypt
ushabti — ushab·ti … English syllables
ushabti — … Useful english dictionary
Ушебти — (ushabti), статуэтки (фото 93), которые в Древнем Египте помещались в могилу, с тем чтобы они выполняли необходимые обязанности по отношению к умершему. Изготавливались из дерева, камня, терракоты или фаянса. В некоторых могилах число У.… … Археологический словарь
Tomb Kings — In Games Workshop s Warhammer Fantasy fictional universe, Tomb Kings is the name given to a series of kingdoms, and an army in the Warhammer Fantasy Battle game. Before the Tomb Kings were given their own army book, they were incorporated in the… … Wikipedia
List of Egypt-related articles — Articles (arranged alphabetically) related to Egypt include:0 9First dynasty of Egypt 1st through 31st Thirty first dynasty of EgyptAAaru Ababda Abbas I of Egypt Abbas II of Egypt Abbasid Fifi Abdou Pope Abraham of Alexandria Abu Gorab Abu Hafs… … Wikipedia