- urchin
- [ʹɜ:tʃın] n
1. уличный мальчишка2. обыкн. шутл. сорванец, пострел3. арх. домовой4. 1) ёж2) зоол. морской ёж (Echinoidea)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Urchin — or urcheon is the old English term for hedgehog. As such, it is applied to many things that take a similar form to a hedgehog: * Sea urchins are spiny sea creatures that are round and prickly like hedgehogs. * In old theater, urchin was a common… … Wikipedia
Urchin — Группа Urchin 1977 год. Адриан Смит в центре Основная информация … Википедия
Urchin — Datos generales Nacimiento 1974 Origen Inglaterra … Wikipedia Español
Urchin — Ur chin ([^u] ch[i^]n), n. [OE. urchon, irchon, a hedgehog, OF. ire[,c]on, eri[,c]on, heri[,c]on, herichon, F. h[ e]risson, a derivative fr. L. ericius, from er a hedgehog, for her; akin to Gr. chh r. Cf. {Herisson}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Urchin — steht für: Urchin (Software), Anwendung zur Analyse von Zugriffen auf Webseiten Urchin (Band), eine Band von Dave Murray und Adrian Smith Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia
Urchin — Ur chin, a. Rough; pricking; piercing. [R.] Helping all urchin blasts. Milton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
urchin — (n.) late 13c., yrichon hedgehog, from O.N.Fr. *irechon (Cf. Picard irechon, Walloon ireson, Hainaut hirchon), from O.Fr. herichun hedgehog (Mod.Fr. hérisson), formed with dim. suffix on from V.L. *hericionem, from L. ericius hedgehog, from PIE… … Etymology dictionary
urchin — ► NOUN 1) a mischievous child, especially a raggedly dressed one. 2) archaic a goblin. 3) a sea urchin. ORIGIN Old French herichon hedgehog , from Latin hericius … English terms dictionary
urchin — [ʉr′chin] n. [ME irchoun < OFr heriçun < L ericius, hedgehog < er, hedgehog, for earlier * her < IE base * ĝher , to bristle, be stiff > L horrere, to bristle, Gr chēr, porcupine] 1. Archaic a hedgehog 2. SEA URCHIN 3. a small… … English World dictionary
urchin — [n] mischievious youngster brat*, cub, dickens*, gamin, imp, juvenile delinquent, punk*, pup*, ragamuffin, waif; concept 423 … New thesaurus
urchin — /err chin/, n. 1. a mischievous boy. 2. any small boy or youngster. 3. See sea urchin. 4. either of two small rollers covered with card clothing used in conjunction with the cylinder in carding. 5. Chiefly Brit. Dial. a hedgehog. 6. Obs. an elf… … Universalium