- uranyl
- [ʹjʋ(ə)rənıl] n хим.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Uranyl — U ra*nyl, n. [Uranium + yl.] (Chem.) The radical {UO2}, conveniently regarded as a residue of many uranium compounds. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Uranyl — Uranyl, von Peligot zur Erklärung der Uranverbindungen hypothetisch unter der Formel U2 O2 angenommenes, zusammengesetztes Radical, s.u. Uran … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Uranyl — Uranyl, s. Uran … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
uranyl — [yoor′ə nil΄] n. [ URAN(IUM) + YL] the divalent radical UO2, present in many compounds of uranium … English World dictionary
Uranyl — The uranyl ion is the dipositive cation [UO2] 2+, which forms salts with acids. In this ion, uranium is in its +6 oxidation state. The other common oxidation state of uranium is uranium(IV), called uranous. The uranyl ion is the most common… … Wikipedia
Uranyl — Stäbchenmodell von [UO2]2+. Das Uranylion mit Veranschaulichung des dreifachen U O Bindungsverhältnisses … Deutsch Wikipedia
uranyl — noun the bivalent radical UO2 which forms salts with acids • Syn: ↑uranyl group, ↑uranyl radical • Hypernyms: ↑group, ↑radical, ↑chemical group • Substance Holonyms: ↑uranyl oxalate … Useful english dictionary
uranyl — uranilas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Katijonas. formulė UO₂²⁺ atitikmenys: angl. uranyl rus. уранил ryšiai: sinonimas – dioksouranas (2+) … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Uranyl nitrate — Uranyl nitrate … Wikipedia
Uranyl formate — (UO2(CHO2)2.H2O is a yellow free flowing fine light yellow powder. It is occasionally used as a 0.5% or 1% acqueous negative stain in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) because it shows a finer grain structure than uranyl acetate. Uranyl… … Wikipedia
Uranyl chloride — Chembox new Name = Uranyl chloride ImageFile = Uranyl chloride.jpg ImageName = Uranyl chloride IUPACName = Dichlorodioxouranium OtherNames = Uranium(VI), dichlorodioxy Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = UO2Cl2 MolarMass = 340.90 Solvent =… … Wikipedia