- uranography
- [͵jʋ(ə)rəʹnɒgrəfı] n
уранография (нанесение звёзд и планет на звёздный глобус)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Uranography — U ra*nog ra*phy, n. [Gr. ?; ? heaven + ? to write.] A description or plan of the heavens and the heavenly bodies; the construction of celestial maps, globes, etc.; uranology. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
uranography — [yoor΄ə näg′rə fē] n. [Gr ouranographia < ouranos, heaven, URANUS + graphein, to write: see GRAPHIC] the branch of astronomy dealing with the description of the heavens and the mapping of the stars uranographer n. uranographic [yoor΄ə nə… … English World dictionary
Uranography (disambiguation) — Uranography can refer to:*Uranography, the branch of astronomy concerned with mapping the stars, galaxies, or other celestial bodies. * Uranography (album), which contains the live recording of one of the two concerts presented during the 15th… … Wikipedia
uranography — noun Etymology: Greek ouranographia description of the heavens, from ouranos sky + graphia graphy Date: 1675 the construction of celestial representations (as maps) … New Collegiate Dictionary
uranography — uranographer, uranographist, n. uranographic /yoor euh neuh graf ik/, uranographical, adj. /yoor euh nog reuh fee/, n. the branch of astronomy concerned with the description and mapping of the heavens, and esp. of the fixed stars. Also called… … Universalium
uranography — noun Celestial cartography; the mapping of celestial bodies … Wiktionary
uranography — descriptive astronomy and mapping Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
uranography — n. mapping of celestial bodiesu·ra·nog·ra·phy || ‚jÊŠrÉ™ nÉ‘grÉ™fɪ /‚jÊŠÉ™rÉ™ nÉ’g … English contemporary dictionary
uranography — [ˌjʊərə nɒgrəfi] noun archaic the branch of astronomy concerned with describing and mapping the stars. Derivatives uranographer noun uranographic adjective … English new terms dictionary
uranography — ura·nog·ra·phy … English syllables
uranography — u•ra•nog•ra•phy [[t]ˌyʊər əˈnɒg rə fi[/t]] n. astron. the branch of astronomy concerned with the description and mapping of the heavens, and esp. of the fixed stars • Etymology: 1640–50; < Gk ouranographía … From formal English to slang