
1. [ʹʌpəməʋst] a
1. 1) самый верхний, высший

the uppermost floor - (самый) верхний этаж

2) занимающий самое высокое положение
2. преобладающий

the uppermost subject of conversation - главная тема разговора

to be uppermost - преобладать, господствовать

his friend's fate was uppermost in his thoughts - судьба друга больше всего занимала его мысли

2. [ʹʌpəməʋst] adv
1. наверху; кверху

the carriage lay with its wheels uppermost - коляска лежала колёсами кверху

2. прежде всего

she said whatever came uppermost - она сказала первое, что пришло ей в голову

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "uppermost" в других словарях:

  • Uppermost — Up per*most , a. [From {Up}, {Upper}; formed like aftermost. Cf. {Upmost}.] Highest in place, position, rank, power, or the like; upmost; supreme. [1913 Webster] Whatever faction happens to be uppermost. Swift. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • uppermost — [adj1] top apical, culminating, highest, loftiest, most elevated, topmost, upmost; concept 583 Ant. bottom, lower, lowest uppermost [adj2] most important; chief best, big, boss, dominant, executive, foremost, greatest, high up*, leading, main,… …   New thesaurus

  • uppermost — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ highest in place, rank, or importance. ► ADVERB ▪ at or to the uppermost position …   English terms dictionary

  • uppermost — index best, cardinal (basic), cardinal (outstanding), primary Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • uppermost — late 15c., from UPPER (Cf. upper) + MOST (Cf. most) …   Etymology dictionary

  • uppermost — [up′ər mōst΄] adj. highest in place, position, power, authority, influence, etc.; topmost; predominant; foremost adv. in the highest place, position, rank, etc …   English World dictionary

  • uppermost — [[t]ʌ̱pə(r)moʊst[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n The uppermost part of something is the part that is higher than the rest of it. The uppermost thing is the highest one of a group of things. John was on the uppermost floor of the three storey gatehouse...… …   English dictionary

  • uppermost — up|per|most [ˈʌpəməust US pərmoust] adj 1.) be uppermost in your mind if something is uppermost in your mind, you think about it a lot because it is very important to you ▪ A feeling of pity for David was uppermost in her mind. 2.) [not before… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • uppermost — /up euhr mohst / or, esp. Brit., / meuhst/, adj. Also, upmost. 1. highest in place, order, rank, power, etc.: the uppermost peaks of the mountain; the uppermost class of society. 2. topmost; predominant: a subject of uppermost concern. adv. 3. in …   Universalium

  • uppermost — UK [ˈʌpə(r)ˌməʊst] / US [ˈʌpərˌmoʊst] adjective 1) more important or urgent than anything else in a particular situation Just surviving the storm became uppermost. uppermost in someone s mind/thoughts: The child s welfare is always uppermost in… …   English dictionary

  • uppermost — up|per|most [ ʌpər,moust ] adjective 1. ) more important or urgent than anything else in a particular situation: Just surviving the storm became uppermost. uppermost in someone s mind/thoughts: The children s welfare is always uppermost in our… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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