- upbear
- [ʌpʹbeə] v (upbore; upborne, upborn) обыкн. поэт.
1) поддерживать2) приподнимать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Upbear — Up*bear , v. t. To bear up; to raise aloft; to support in an elevated situation; to sustain. Spenser. [1913 Webster] One short sigh of breath, upbore Even to the seat of God. Milton. [1913 Webster] A monstrous wave upbore The chief, and dashed… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
upbear — index bear (support) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
upbear — upbearer, n. /up bair /, v.t., upbore, upborne, upbearing. to bear up; raise aloft; sustain or support. [1250 1300; ME upberen. See UP , BEAR1] * * * … Universalium
upbear — verb To bear up; to raise aloft; to support in an elevated situation; to sustain. . ,One short sigh of breath, upbore Even to the seat of God … Wiktionary
upbear — v. a. Alys. 5163; part. ‘upborn.’ Ps. cxxx. 1 … Oldest English Words
upbear — v. support in a raised position, hold up; raise, lift, elevate; sustain, support … English contemporary dictionary
upbear — /ʌpˈbɛə/ (say up bair) verb (t) (upbore, upborne, upbearing) Rare to bear up; raise aloft; support; sustain. {up + bear1} –upbearer, noun …
upbear — | ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ transitive verb Etymology: Middle English upberen, from up + beren to bear more at bear : to bear up : support, raise … Useful english dictionary
bear — / bar/ vb bore / bōr/, borne, / bōrn/, also, born vt 1: to physically carry (as an object or message) the right of the people to keep and bear arms U.S. Constitution amend. II … Law dictionary
back — Synonyms and related words: a priori, a rebours, a reculons, abandon, abet, accented, acknowledgments, advance, advocate, affirm, afford support, aft, after, aftermost, afterpart, afterpiece, again, against the grain, ago, aid, alpenstock,… … Moby Thesaurus
back up — Synonyms and related words: act for, advance, affirm, afford support, answer for, appear for, ascend, attest, authenticate, back, back away, back off, backpedal, backtrack, backtrail, backwater, bear, bear out, bear up, bolster, bolster up, brace … Moby Thesaurus