- upanishads
- [u:|ʹpænıʃædz,-{u:}ʹpɑ:nıʃɑ:dz] n pl санскр.
упанишады (общее наименование различных философских сочинений Древней Индии)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Upanishads — Upanishads, s.u. Sanskrit II. A) d). upaparanas, s. ebd. II. B) C) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Upanishads — Part of a series on … Wikipedia
Upanishads — Upanishad Upanishad principale Aitareya · Brihadaranyaka · Isha · Taittiriya · Chandogya · Kena · Mundaka · Mandukya · Katha · Kaushitaki · Prashna · Shvetashvatara Textes classiques du monde … Wikipédia en Français
Upanishads — There are thousands of texts referred to in Indian tradition as Upanishads. They all take this name to gain the authority of the original Upanishads, about 14 in number, which are considered part of the BRAHMANA or commentaries that are asso… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
Upanishads — Schriften des Hinduismus Shruti Veda Rigveda Samaveda Yajurveda Atharvaveda Brahmanas Aranyakas Upanishaden … Deutsch Wikipedia
Upanishads — (Skt., upanisad, the act of sitting down by something) The collection of philosophical verses that conclude the Vedas and make up the main original philosophical commentary on Hindu scriptures … Philosophy dictionary
Upanishads — ► LITERATURA Y RELIGIÓN Textos religioso filosóficos de la literatura védica. Redactados entre el 400 y el 200 a C, constituyen la primera expresión de relevancia de la doctrina hinduista. (V. Vedas.) … Enciclopedia Universal
Upanishads — U|pan|ish|ads, the n [plural] a collection of ancient holy books containing the main principles of Hindu religion and ↑philosophy … Dictionary of contemporary English
Upanishads — Ancient Hindu metaphysical treatises … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Upanishads — n. one of a class of Vedic treatises written in Sanskrit which explain the philosophy introduced in the Veda … English contemporary dictionary
Mukhya Upanishads — The Muktika canon of 108 Upanishads is headed by 10 Mukhya Upanishads. These are the ten oldest Upanishads, known to and commented upon by the 9th century scholar Shankara. Sanskrit mukhya means principal , chief , or eminent . Also known as… … Wikipedia