
[͵ʌntəʹwɔ:d] a
1. несчастливый, неблагоприятный, неудачный

untoward conditions - неблагоприятные условия

to make an untoward choice - сделать неудачный выбор

I hope nothing untoward has happened - надеюсь, ничего плохого не случилось

2. неподходящий, неуместный

untoward social behaviour - неправильное поведение в обществе

3. арх. непокорный, своенравный

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Смотреть что такое "untoward" в других словарях:

  • Untoward — Un*to ward, a. [Pref. un not + toward.] [1913 Webster] 1. Froward; perverse. Save yourselves from this untoward generation. Acts ii. 40. [1913 Webster] 2. Awkward; ungraceful. Untoward words. Creech. Untoward manner. Swift. [1913 Webster] 3.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • untoward — [un tō′ərd, untôrd′] adj. [ UN + TOWARD] 1. inappropriate, improper, unseemly, etc. [an untoward remark] 2. not favorable or fortunate; adverse, inauspicious, etc. [untoward circumstances] 3. Archaic stubborn or unruly 4. Obs. awkward; …   English World dictionary

  • untoward — [adj1] troublesome adverse, annoying, awkward, contrary, disastrous, disturbing, fractious, hapless, ill starred, inauspicious, inconvenient, indocile, inimical, inopportune, intractable, irritating, luckless, misfortunate, perverse, recalcitrant …   New thesaurus

  • Untoward — Un*to ward, prep. [Unto + ward.] Toward. [Obs.] Gower. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • untoward — index adverse (hostile), deplorable, detrimental, disproportionate, inadvisable, inapposite, inappropriate …   Law dictionary

  • untoward — (adj.) 1520s, not having inclination (to or for something), also difficult to manage, unruly, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + TOWARD (Cf. toward) …   Etymology dictionary

  • untoward — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ unexpected and inappropriate or adverse …   English terms dictionary

  • untoward — un|to|ward [ ʌntə wɔrd ] adjective not appropriate, usual, or normal: nothing untoward: It s important that nothing untoward should happen during his visit. anything untoward: There was no evidence in the house of anything untoward …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • untoward — UK [ˌʌntəˈwɔː(r)d] / US [ʌntəˈwɔrd] adjective not suitable, usual, or normal nothing untoward: It s important that nothing untoward should happen during his visit. anything untoward: There was no evidence in the house of anything untoward …   English dictionary

  • untoward — [[t]ʌ̱ntəwɔ͟ː(r)d, AM tɔ͟ː(r)d[/t]] ADJ: pron indef ADJ, ADJ n If you say that something untoward happens, you mean that something happens that is unexpected and causes difficulties. [FORMAL] The surveyor s report didn t highlight anything… …   English dictionary

  • untoward — untowardly, adv. untowardness, n. /un tawrd , tohrd /, adj. 1. unfavorable or unfortunate: Untoward circumstances forced him into bankruptcy. 2. improper: untoward social behavior. 3. Archaic. froward; perverse. [1520 30; UN 1 + TOWARD] * * * …   Universalium

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