unseasoned — [unsē′zənd] adj. not seasoned; specif., a) not ripened, dried, etc. by enough seasoning [unseasoned wood] b) not matured by experience; inexperienced c) not flavored with seasoning … English World dictionary
Unseasoned — Un*sea soned, a. 1. Not seasoned. [1913 Webster] 2. Untimely; ill timed. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unseasoned — index inexperienced, juvenile, unaccustomed Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
unseasoned — 1580s, not made palatable by seasoning, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + pp. of SEASON (Cf. season) (v.). Meaning not habituated by experience is recorded from c.1600 … Etymology dictionary
unseasoned — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of food) not flavoured with salt, pepper, or other spices. 2) (of timber) not treated or matured. 3) inexperienced … English terms dictionary
unseasoned — /un see zeuhnd/, adj. 1. (of things) not seasoned; not matured, dried, etc., by due seasoning: unseasoned wood. 2. (of persons) not inured to a climate, work, etc.; inexperienced: an unseasoned crew. 3. (of food) not flavored with seasoning: a… … Universalium
unseasoned — un•sea•soned [[t]ʌnˈsi zənd[/t]] adj. 1) cvb (of things) not matured, dried, etc., by due seasoning: unseasoned wood[/ex] 2) (of persons) not inured to a climate, work, etc.; inexperienced: an unseasoned crew[/ex] 3) coo (of food) not flavored… … From formal English to slang
unseasoned — adj. Unseasoned is used with these nouns: ↑timber … Collocations dictionary
unseasoned issuer — USA An issuer that is required to file Exchange Act reports, but does not satisfy the requirement of Form S 3 for a primary offering of securities. voluntary filers do not qualify. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, U … Law dictionary
Unseasoned Security — A financial instrument that has only recently been made available for trading. An unseasoned security has been available to the public for only a short period of time, therefore, with no track record or historical data on which to base trading… … Investment dictionary
unseasoned — adjective Not seasoned … Wiktionary