- unpretentious
- [͵ʌnprıʹtenʃəs] a
непретенциозный, простой, скромный
to live in an unpretentious way - жить скромно
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to live in an unpretentious way - жить скромно
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
unpretentious — I adjective artless, humble, inadfectatus, informal, matter of fact, meek, modest, modicus, natural, plain, quiet, retiring, simple, simplex, unaffected, unassuming, undistinguished, unelaborate, unobtrusive, unostentatious, without airs II … Law dictionary
unpretentious — 1859, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + PRETENTIOUS (Cf. pretentious). Related: Unpretentiously; unpretentiousness … Etymology dictionary
unpretentious — *plain, homely, simple Analogous words: *natural, unsophisticated, simple, ingenuous, unaffected: unassuming (see corresponding affirmative verb at ASSUME) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
unpretentious — [adj] simple, honest discreet, down, down home*, easy going, folksy*, free spirited, homey*, humble, inelaborate, laid back*, lowly, modest, plain, prosaic, straightforward, unaffected, unambitious, unassuming, unbeautified, uncomplex,… … New thesaurus
unpretentious — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not pretentious; modest. DERIVATIVES unpretentiously adverb unpretentiousness noun … English terms dictionary
unpretentious — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
unpretentious — [[t]ʌ̱nprɪte̱nʃəs[/t]] ADJ GRADED (approval) If you describe a place, person, or thing as unpretentious, you approve of them because they are simple in appearance or character, rather than sophisticated or luxurious. The Tides Inn is both… … English dictionary
unpretentious — adjective Date: 1859 free from ostentation, elegance, or affectation ; modest < unpretentious homes > < an unpretentious celebrity > • unpretentiously adverb • unpretentiousness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
unpretentious — unpretentiously, adv. unpretentiousness, n. /un pri ten sheuhs/, adj. not pretentious; modest; without ostentatious display; plain: his unpretentious demeanor; an unpretentious summer resort. [1855 60; UN 1 + PRETENTIOUS] Syn. humble,… … Universalium
unpretentious — un|pre|ten|tious [ˌʌnprıˈtenʃəs] adj not trying to seem better, more important etc than you really are use this to show approval ▪ an unpretentious hotel ▪ an unpretentious woman … Dictionary of contemporary English
unpretentious — un|pre|ten|tious [ ,ʌnprı tenʃəs ] adjective not trying to impress people with money, style, intelligence, importance, etc. This word shows that you approve of this quality: The hotel has a comfortable but unpretentious interior. Despite his… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English