
[ʌnʹɔ:gənaızd] a
1. неорганизованный
2. не являющийся членом профсоюза
3. не имеющий органической структуры

unorganized ferment - биохим. энзим

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unorganized" в других словарях:

  • Unorganized — Un*or gan*ized, a. Not organized; being without organic structure; specifically (Biol.), not having the different tissues and organs characteristic of living organisms, nor the power of growth and development; as, the unorganized ferments. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • unorganized — index casual, complex, disordered, haphazard, indiscriminate, random, slipshod Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • unorganized — 1680s, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + pp. of ORGANIZE (Cf. organize) …   Etymology dictionary

  • unorganized — (Amer.) adj. not organized, disorganized, chaotic; not unionized, not associated in a labor union; (Medicine) not having organs; (Medicine) not developed into a physical structure of an organism (also unorganised) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • unorganized — [adj] disorderly, disorganized all over the place*, chaotic, cluttered, confused, dislocated, disordered, jumbled, messed up, messy, mixed up, scattered, scrambled, sloppy, unarranged, unkempt, unsystematic, untidy; concepts 485,535 …   New thesaurus

  • unorganized — (also unorganised) ► ADJECTIVE 1) not organized. 2) not unionized …   English terms dictionary

  • unorganized — [unôr′gə nīzd΄] adj. 1. having no organic structure 2. having no regular order, system, or organization 3. not behaving, thinking, etc. in an orderly way 4. not having or belonging to a labor union …   English World dictionary

  • unorganized — /un awr geuh nuyzd /, adj. 1. not organized; without organic structure. 2. not formed into an organized or systematized whole: an unorganized essay. 3. without definite boundaries: unorganized territory. 4. not thinking or acting methodically. 5 …   Universalium

  • unorganized — un|or|gan|ized [ ʌn ɔrgə,naızd ] adjective 1. ) without any particular plan, structure, or order: The Industrial Revolution happened in a rather unorganized way. 2. ) unorganized workers do not belong to a LABOR UNION …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • unorganized — UK [ʌnˈɔː(r)ɡənaɪzd] / US [ʌnˈɔrɡəˌnaɪzd] adjective 1) without any particular plan, structure, or order The Industrial Revolution happened in a rather unorganized way. 2) unorganized workers do not belong to a trade union …   English dictionary

  • unorganized — un·or·ga·nized also Brit un·or·ga·nised ȯr gə .nīzd adj not organized: lacking order or coherence <unorganized delusions> * * * un·or·ga·nized (ən orґgən īzd) not developed into an organic structure; not having organs …   Medical dictionary

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