- unitary
- [ʹju:nıt(ə)rı] a
1. единичный2. унитарный, единый; стремящийся к единству, объединению
unitary state - унитарное государство
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
unitary state - унитарное государство
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Unitary — may refer to:* In automotive design, unitary construction is another common term for a unibody or monocoque construction * In Christian doctrine, unitarianism is the belief in a unitary God as opposed to the concept of the Trinity. ** Unitarian… … Wikipedia
unitary — uni·tary / yü nə ˌter ē/ adj 1: having the character of a single thing that is a constituent of a whole; specif: of, relating to, or being a business with subsidiaries in other states or nations that has its state income tax figured by including… … Law dictionary
Unitary — U nit*a*ry, a. 1. Of or pertaining to a unit or units; relating to unity; as, the unitary method in arithmetic. [1913 Webster] 2. Of the nature of a unit; not divided; united. [1913 Webster] {Unitary theory} (Chem.), the modern theory that the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unitary — 1816; see UNIT (Cf. unit) + ARY (Cf. ary) … Etymology dictionary
unitary — ► ADJECTIVE 1) single; uniform. 2) relating to a unit or units … English terms dictionary
unitary — [yo͞o′nə ter΄ē] adj. 1. of a unit or units 2. of, based on, or characterized by unity 3. having the nature of or used as a unit … English World dictionary
unitary — unitariness, n. /yooh ni ter ee/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to a unit or units. 2. of, pertaining to, characterized by, or aiming toward unity: the unitary principles of nationalism. 3. of the nature of a unit; having the indivisible character of… … Universalium
unitary — 1. adjective a) Having the quality of oneness. Ex. b) Relating to a system of government in which sovereign power is concentrated in a single body instead of being shared or possessed by more local bodies. Ex. Ant: federalist … Wiktionary
unitary — [[t]ju͟ːnɪtri, AM teri[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n A unitary country or organization is one in which two or more areas or groups have joined together, have the same aims, and are controlled by a single government. ...a call for the creation of a single… … English dictionary
unitary — u|ni|ta|ry [ˈju:nıtəri US teri] adj formal relating to or existing as a single unit ▪ a single unitary authority for the whole region … Dictionary of contemporary English
unitary — u|ni|tar|y [ junı,teri ] adjective FORMAL 1. ) relating to or existing as a single thing 2. ) relating to units of measurement 3. ) controlled by a central government or authority: a unitary authority/state/council … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English