- uninspired
- [͵ʌnınʹspaıəd] a
невдохновлённый, невоодушевлённый
to write uninspired verse - писать банальные /избитые/ стихи
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to write uninspired verse - писать банальные /избитые/ стихи
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
uninspired — [un΄in spīrd′] adj. not inspired; lacking spirit, creativity, zest, etc.; dull [an uninspired performance, an uninspired speaker] … English World dictionary
uninspired — index insipid, jejune (dull), languid, lifeless (dull), mundane, perfunctory, unaffected ( … Law dictionary
uninspired — [adj] dull, unoriginal bromidic, commonplace, corny*, everyday, heavyhanded, humdrum, indifferent, old hat*, ordinary, phoned in*, ponderous, prosaic, stale, sterile, stock, uncreative, unexciting, unimaginative, unimpressed, uninspiring,… … New thesaurus
uninspired — ► ADJECTIVE 1) unimaginative; dull. 2) not filled with excitement … English terms dictionary
uninspired — [[t]ʌ̱nɪnspa͟ɪ͟ə(r)d[/t]] ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe something or someone as uninspired, you are criticizing them because they do not seem to have any original or exciting qualities. The script was singularly uninspired. ...an… … English dictionary
uninspired — /un in spuyeurd /, adj. not inspired; not creative or spirited: an uninspired performance; an uninspired teacher. [1680 90; UN 1 + INSPIRED] * * * … Universalium
uninspired — un|in|spired [ˌʌnınˈspaıəd US ˈspaırd] adj not showing any imagination ▪ an uninspired performance … Dictionary of contemporary English
uninspired — un|in|spired [ ,ʌnın spaırd ] adjective not interesting or exciting: a competent but uninspired performance a. not interested or excited … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
uninspired — adjective not showing any imagination: an uninspired performance … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
uninspired — UK [ˌʌnɪnˈspaɪə(r)d] / US [ˌʌnɪnˈspaɪrd] adjective a) not interesting or exciting a competent but uninspired performance b) not interested or excited … English dictionary
uninspired — un•in•spired [[t]ˌʌn ɪnˈspaɪərd[/t]] adj. not inspired; not creative or spirited: an uninspired performance[/ex] • Etymology: 1680–90 … From formal English to slang