- uninhibited
- [͵ʌnınʹhıbıtıd] a
1. вольный, раскованный, не стеснённый условностями (о поведении и т. п.)2. психол. незаторможенный; не подавляющий импульсов, чувств
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
uninhibited — index candid, intemperate, uncurbed Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
uninhibited — 1880, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + pp. of INHIBIT (Cf. inhibit) … Etymology dictionary
uninhibited — [adj] free and easy; without restraint audacious, candid, cut loose*, expansive, fancy free*, footloose*, frank, free, hanging out*, informal, instinctive, liberated, natural, no holds barred*, off the cuff*, open, relaxed, spontaneous, unbridled … New thesaurus
uninhibited — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ expressing oneself or acting without restraint. DERIVATIVES uninhibitedly adverb … English terms dictionary
uninhibited — [un΄in hib′it id] adj. without inhibition; esp., free from the usual social or psychological restraints, as in behavior … English World dictionary
uninhibited — [[t]ʌ̱nɪnhɪ̱bɪtɪd[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe a person or their behaviour as uninhibited, you mean that they express their opinions and feelings openly, and behave as they want to, without worrying what other people think. ...a commanding and … English dictionary
uninhibited — adjective Date: 1880 free from inhibition < uninhibited exuberance >; also boisterously informal < a festive uninhibited party > • uninhibitedly adverb • uninhibitedness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
uninhibited — uninhibitedly, adv. uninhibitedness, n. /un in hib i tid/, adj. 1. not inhibited or restricted: uninhibited freedom to act. 2. not restrained by social convention or usage; unconstrained: an uninhibited discussion of the causes of divorce. [1905… … Universalium
uninhibited — adj. VERBS ▪ be, feel, seem ▪ The loud music made him feel totally uninhibited. ▪ become ADVERB ▪ extremely … Collocations dictionary
uninhibited — adjective 1) uninhibited dancing Syn: unrestrained, unrepressed, abandoned, wild, reckless; unrestricted, unmufflered, uncontrolled, unchecked, intemperate, wanton, loose; informal gung ho Ant: controlled … Thesaurus of popular words
uninhibited — un|in|hib|it|ed [ˌʌnınˈhıbıtıd] adj confident or relaxed enough to do or say what you want to ▪ uninhibited laughter >uninhibitedly adv … Dictionary of contemporary English