
[əʹdıʃ(ə)n] n
1. прибавление; дополнение; пополнение

addition in the margin - заметки на полях

they've just had an addition to the family - у них (недавно произошло) прибавление семейства

addition to the staff of the school - новый учитель школы

addition to the library - новое поступление в библиотеку

in addition - кроме того, вдобавок; к тому же

in addition he was rude to me - вдобавок он мне нагрубил

in addition to smth. - в дополнение (к чему-л.)

this is in addition to what I said yesterday - это я говорю в дополнение к сказанному вчера

2. амер.
1) пристройка (к зданию), крыло
2) пограничный участок земли, присоединённый к участку другого владельца
3) пригородный участок, выделенный для городского строительства
3. pl эк. прирост основного капитала
4. мат. сложение; суммирование
5. хим. примесь
6. метал. присадка

addition agent - легирующий элемент

7. геол. привнос

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "addition" в других словарях:

  • Addition — is the mathematical process of putting things together. The plus sign + means that two numbers are added together. For example, in the picture on the right, there are 3 + 2 apples meaning three apples and two other apples which is the same as… …   Wikipedia

  • addition — [ adisjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1265; lat. additio « chose ajoutée » 1 ♦ Action d ajouter en incorporant. ⇒ adjonction. L addition de plusieurs choses. Liqueur composée par addition d un sirop à une eau de vie. Chim. Composé d addition, formé par l union de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • addition — UK US /əˈdɪʃən/ noun ► [C] something extra that is added to something: an addition to sth »The company provides a compensation package which amounts to an addition to the employee s salary. ► [U] the act of adding something to something else: the …   Financial and business terms

  • addition — addition, accretion, increment, accession agree in denoting a thing that serves to increase another in size, amount, or content. Addition implies union with something already existing as a whole or as a unit {he built an addition to his house… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • addition — Addition. s. f. Surcroist, adjonction à quelque chose que ce soit. Faire une addition, une longue addition. un tel livre avec les additions. on a informé par addition contre luy. Addition. Premiere regle d Arithmetique; qui apprend à additionner …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Addition — Ad*di tion, n. [F. addition, L. additio, fr. addere to add.] 1. The act of adding two or more things together; opposed to {subtraction} or {diminution}. This endless addition or addibility of numbers. Locke. [1913 Webster] 2. Anything added;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • addition — ADDITION. sub. f. (On prononce les D.) Ce qui est ajouté à quelque chose. Faire des additions, de longues additions. Un livre avec des additions. f♛/b] On dit, en termes de Pratique, Informer par addition, pour, Ajouter une nouvelle information à …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • addition — [ə dish′ən] n. [ME addicion < OFr addition < L additio < addere: see ADD1] 1. an adding of two or more numbers to get a number called the sum 2. a joining of a thing to another thing 3. a thing or part added; increase; specif., a room or …   English World dictionary

  • Addition — kann jede eindeutige Verknüpfung von Größen (im weitesten Sinne des Wortes; vgl. a. Mathematik) genannt werden, die folgende Eigenschaften – bei deren Darstellung bereits das Additionszeichen +, gelesen plus, und das Wort Summe für das… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • addition — I noun accessio, accession, accessory, addend, addendum, additament, additive, adiectio, adjunct, adjunction, annex, annexation, attachment, augmentation, complement, enlargement, extension, increase, increment, joining, pendant, subjunction,… …   Law dictionary

  • addition — (n.) late 14c., action of adding numbers; c.1400, that which is added, from O.Fr. adition increase, augmentation (13c.), from L. additionem (nom. additio) an adding to, addition, noun of action from pp. stem of addere (see ADD (Cf. add)). Phrase… …   Etymology dictionary

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