- unhulled
- [ʌnʹhʌld] a с.-х.
неочищенный, нелущёный
unhulled rice - нерушенный рис, падди
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
unhulled rice - нерушенный рис, падди
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
unhulled — adjective of a seed etc, not having had the hull removed … Wiktionary
unhulled — adj. not husked; not deprived of hulls; not peeled, unshelled … English contemporary dictionary
unhulled — un·hulled … English syllables
unhulled — /ʌnˈhʌld/ (say un huld) adjective not hulled …
unhulled — “+ adjective Etymology: in sense 1, from un (I) + hull, n. + ed; in sense 2, from un (I) + hulled, past participle of hull 1. : not having a hull … Useful english dictionary
Sesame — Taxobox name = Sesame image width = 250px image caption = Sesame plants regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Lamiales familia = Pedaliaceae genus = Sesamum species = S. indicum binomial = Sesamum indicum… … Wikipedia
Tahini — For the Tahina Palm tree, see Tahina Palm. Tahini dip Tahini, jar 453g. (Nat … Wikipedia
Calcium in biology — Calcium (Ca2+) plays a vital role in the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of organisms and of the cell, particularly in signal transduction pathways. The skeleton acts as a major mineral storage site for the element and releases Ca2+ ions… … Wikipedia
Old Chinese — Classic Chinese and Archaic Chinese redirect here. For the traditional style of written Chinese, see Classical Chinese. Old Chinese 上古漢語 … Wikipedia
Gomashio — (hiragana: ; also spelled gomasio ) is a dry condiment, similar to furikake, made from unhulled sesame seeds (ごま, goma ) and salt (, shio ). It is often used in Japanese cuisine, such as a topping for sekihan . It is also sometimes sprinkled over … Wikipedia
Pepita — A pepita (from Spanish pepita de calabaza , little seed of squash ) is an edible seed of a pumpkin or other cultivar of squash (genus Cucurbita ), typically rather flat and asymmetrically oval, and light green in color inside a white hull. The… … Wikipedia