
[ʌnʹhındʒ] v
1. снимать с петель (дверь и т. п.)
2. 1) расстраивать

his nerves are completely unhinged - у него совершенно расстроены нервы

his mind is unhinged - он помешался

2) вносить беспорядок

the supplies are coming in very irregularly and unhinge the trade - нерегулярное поступление товаров нарушает торговлю

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unhinge" в других словарях:

  • Unhinge — Un*hinge , v. t. [1st pref. un + hinge.] [1913 Webster] 1. To take from the hinges; as, to unhinge a door. [1913 Webster] 2. To displace; to unfix by violence. Blackmore. [1913 Webster] 3. To render unstable or wavering; to unsettle; as, to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • unhinge — index confuse (bewilder), discompose, disjoint, impair, luxate, obsess Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • unhinge — (v.) recorded earlier in the mental sense of to disorder the mind, etc. (1612) than in the literal one of to take (a door, etc.) off its hinges (1616); from UN (Cf. un ) (2) + a verb derivative of HINGE (Cf. hinge). Related: UNHINGED (Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • unhinge — ► VERB 1) make mentally unbalanced. 2) take (a door) off its hinges …   English terms dictionary

  • unhinge — [unhinj′] vt. unhinged, unhinging 1. a) to remove from the hinges b) to remove the hinges from 2. to dislodge or detach 3. to throw (the mind, etc.) into confusion; unbalance or upset …   English World dictionary

  • unhinge — unhingement, n. /un hinj /, v.t., unhinged, unhinging. 1. to remove (a door or the like) from hinges. 2. to open wide by or as if by removing supporting hinges: to unhinge one s jaws. 3. to upset; unbalance; disorient; throw into confusion or… …   Universalium

  • unhinge — transitive verb Date: 1612 1. to make unstable ; unsettle, disrupt < unhinge the balance of world peace > < pressure that would unhinge a less experienced person > 2. to remove (as a door) from the hinges …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • unhinge — UK [ʌnˈhɪndʒ] / US verb [transitive] Word forms unhinge : present tense I/you/we/they unhinge he/she/it unhinges present participle unhinging past tense unhinged past participle unhinged to make someone upset or mentally ill Derived word:… …   English dictionary

  • unhinge — un•hinge [[t]ʌnˈhɪndʒ[/t]] v. t. hinged, hing•ing 1) to remove from hinges: to unhinge a door[/ex] 2) to open or separate by disengaging or releasing the hinges or hingelike parts 3) to throw into confusion or turmoil; upset • Etymology: 1605–15… …   From formal English to slang

  • unhinge — verb a) To mentally disturb. b) To remove the hinges from …   Wiktionary

  • unhinge — Synonyms and related words: agitate, bother, craze, dement, derange, disarrange, disarticulate, disjoint, dislocate, disorder, displace, disquiet, distract, disturb, drive insane, drive mad, flurry, fluster, frenzy, luxate, mad, madden, make mad …   Moby Thesaurus

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