- unhandled
- [ʌnʹhændld] a
1. не тронутый рукой2. необъезженный (о лошади)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
unhandled — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
unhandled — “+ adjective Etymology: un (I) + handled, past participle of handle : not tamed or disciplined : wild youthful and unhandled colts Shakespeare … Useful english dictionary
unhandled exception — neapdorojamoji išimtinė situacija statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Išimtinė situacija, kurios pati ↑programa, remdamasi vidiniais ištekliais, nepajėgia apdoroti. Įvykus neapdorojamajai situacijai, ↑operacinė sistema paprastai sustabdo… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
unhandled — /un han dld/, adj. 1. not handled; not touched. 2. (of animals) untamed; unbroken; untrained. [1550 60; UN 1 + HANDLED] * * * … Universalium
unhandled — adjective a) Not having been handled. b) (Of an event, exception, etc.) Not having a handler … Wiktionary
unhandled — un·handled … English syllables
unhandled — /ʌnˈhændld/ (say un handld) adjective not handled …
Exception handling — is a programming language construct or computer hardware mechanism designed to handle the occurrence of exceptions, special conditions that change the normal flow of program execution. Programming languages differ considerably in their support… … Wikipedia
Dr. Watson (debugger) — Not to be confused with Sherlock (software). Dr. Watson invoked on Windows 2000. Dr. Watson is an application debugger included with the Microsoft Windows operating system. It may be named drwatson.exe, drwtsn32.exe or dwwin.exe, depending on the … Wikipedia
Race — Race, n. [F. race; cf. Pr. & Sp. raza, It. razza; all from OHG. reiza line, akin to E. write. See {Write}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The descendants of a common ancestor; a family, tribe, people, or nation, believed or presumed to belong to the same… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Linux kernel — Linux Linux kernel 3.0.0 booting Company / developer Linus Torvalds and thousands … Wikipedia