
[ʌnʹfʌndıd] a фин.
1. неконсолидированный, краткосрочный

unfunded debt - краткосрочные государственные займы, текущий долг

2. нефинансируемый (из бюджета и т. п.)

proposed but unfunded schools - планируемые школы, финансирование которых не обеспечено

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unfunded" в других словарях:

  • unfunded — UK US /ˌʌnˈfʌndɪd/ adjective ► FINANCE used to describe a financial arrangement that has been agreed but for which there is not enough money available: »The unfunded liability for Social Security s old age and disability funds will be $3 trillion …   Financial and business terms

  • unfunded — [spelling only] …   English World dictionary

  • unfunded — adjective Date: circa 1775 1. not funded ; floating < an unfunded debt > 2. not provided with funds < unfunded schools > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Unfunded mandate — Unfunded mandates are regulations or conditions for receiving grants that impose costs on state and local governments for which they are not reimbursed by the federal government. *The provisions in the Americans with Disabilities Act that require …   Wikipedia

  • Unfunded loan commitments — are those commitments made by a Financial institution that are contractual obligations for future funding. They should not be confused with Letters of credit which require certain trigger events before funding is needed.Typically, unfunded… …   Wikipedia

  • unfunded unapproved retirement benefit schemes — (UURBS) Now known as employer financed retirement benefit schemes (EFRBS), unapproved occupational pension schemes that employers used to set up to provide top up benefits for employees who were caught by the pensions cap. No new UURBS can be set …   Law dictionary

  • unfunded unapproved retirement benefit scheme — unfunded unapproved retirement benefit schemes (UURBS) Now known as employer financed retirement benefit schemes (EFRBS), unapproved occupational pension schemes that employers used to set up to provide top up benefits for employees who were… …   Law dictionary

  • unfunded credit derivative — United Kingdom A credit derivative in respect of which the seller of the credit protection under the credit derivative makes no upfront payment to cover its potential future liabilities. Under an unfunded credit derivative, the seller will make a …   Law dictionary

  • unfunded unapproved retirement benefits scheme — Companies may provide retirement benefits greater than the Inland Revenue limits. Such top up benefits schemes may be funded through either a FURBS (funded unapproved retirement benefits scheme) or an URBS (unfunded unapproved retirement benefits …   Law dictionary

  • Unfunded debt — Debt maturing within one year ( short term debt). See: funded debt. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * unfunded debt UK US noun [C or U] FINANCE ► SHORT TERM DEBT(Cf. ↑short term debt) …   Financial and business terms

  • unfunded debt — debt maturing within one year ( short term debt). Bloomberg Financial Dictionary See: funded debt. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * unfunded debt UK US noun [C or U] FINANCE ► SHORT TERM DEBT(Cf. ↑short term debt) …   Financial and business terms

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