- unfreeze
- [ʌnʹfri:z] v (unfroze; unfrozen)
1. 1) размораживать2) разморозиться; растаять2. размораживать (зарплату, цены)3. освобождать от контроля производство или продажу продукции
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Unfreeze — Un*freeze , v. t. [1st pref. un + freeze.] To thaw. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unfreeze — ► VERB (past unfroze; past part. unfrozen) 1) thaw. 2) remove restrictions on the use of (an asset) … English terms dictionary
unfreeze — [unfrēz′] vt. unfroze, unfrozen, unfreezing [ UN + FREEZE] 1. to cause to thaw ☆ 2. to remove financial controls from (prices, a raw material, etc.) … English World dictionary
unfreeze — transitive verb (unfroze; unfrozen; freezing) Date: 1584 1. to cause to thaw 2. to remove from a freeze < unfreeze wages > … New Collegiate Dictionary
unfreeze panes — panaikinti polangių fiksavimą statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Skaičiuoklės komanda, skirta neslenkantiems jos lakšto ↑polangiams, sukurtiems komanda ↑fiksuoti polangius, panaikinti. atitikmenys: angl. unfreeze panes ryšiai: antonimas –… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
unfreeze — /un freez /, v., unfroze, unfrozen, unfreezing. v.t. 1. to cause to thaw; melt. 2. to remove or relax controls or restrictions on (funds, prices, rents, etc.). v.i. 3. to become unfrozen; thaw. [1575 85; UN 2 + FREEZE] * * * … Universalium
unfreeze — verb a) To defrost something. b) To release from a previously locked or frozen state. Syn: defrost Ant: freeze … Wiktionary
unfreeze — v. warm, thaw; cancel a price freeze … English contemporary dictionary
unfreeze — verb (past unfroze; past participle unfrozen) 1》 thaw. 2》 remove restrictions on the use of (an asset) … English new terms dictionary
unfreeze — un·freeze … English syllables
unfreeze — [c]/ʌnˈfriz/ (say un freez) verb (unfroze, unfrozen, unfreezing) –verb (t) 1. to thaw out; cause to thaw. 2. to relax restrictions on (prices, incomes, credit, etc.). 3. to lift controls from the manufacture of or dealing in (a commodity or the… …