- undocumented
- [͵ʌnʹdɒkjʋmentıd] a
не обоснованный документами, недокументированный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Undocumented — may refer to:*Undocumented feature *Undocumented immigrant *Undocumented flying object … Wikipedia
undocumented — UK US /ˌʌnˈdɒkjʊmentɪd/ adjective ► not officially recorded: »The cash economy facilitates a variety of undocumented transactions. ► US without the official or legal papers that allow someone to work or live somewhere: »10% of workers here are… … Financial and business terms
undocumented — [un däk′yə ment΄id] adj. 1. lacking supporting documentation [an undocumented assertion ] ☆ 2. not having the required document or documents; specif., without a proper visa for U.S. residence [an undocumented alien, worker, etc.] … English World dictionary
undocumented — 1883, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + pp. of DOCUMENT (Cf. document) (v.) … Etymology dictionary
undocumented — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not recorded in or proved by documents … English terms dictionary
undocumented — adjective Date: 1867 not documented: as a. not supported by documentary evidence < undocumented expenditures > b. lacking documents required for legal immigration or residence < undocumented workers > … New Collegiate Dictionary
undocumented — adj. Undocumented is used with these nouns: ↑alien, ↑immigrant, ↑immigration, ↑migrant, ↑worker … Collocations dictionary
Undocumented feature — Undocumented features are frequently found in computer software releases. Sometimes the documentation is omitted through simple oversight, but undocumented features are often elements of the software not intended for use by end users, but left… … Wikipedia
undocumented immigrant — A foreign born person who lacks a right to be in the United States, having either entered without inspection (and not subsequently obtained any right to remain) or stayed beyond the expiration date of a visa or other status. Category: Immigration … Law dictionary
undocumented — /un dok yeuh men tid/, adj. 1. lacking documentation or authentication. 2. lacking proper immigration or working papers. [1880 85; UN 1 + DOCUMENTED] * * * … Universalium
undocumented — adjective a) not having the documents to support a claim b) not having official documentation required to enter, live or work in a country … Wiktionary