- undevised
- [͵ʌndıʹvaızd] a
1. непреднамеренный, незапланированный2. юр. незавещанный (о недвижимом имуществе)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
undevised — |ən+ adjective Etymology: un (I) + devised, past participle of devise 1. : not devised by will undevised portion of an estate 2. : not intended : unplanned … Useful english dictionary
undevised — adj. * * * … Universalium
undevised — adjective That has not been devised. Syn: uninvented … Wiktionary
undevised — Synonyms and related words: ad lib, caught napping, caught off balance, caught short, extemporaneous, extemporized, haphazard, hasty, impromptu, improvised, inadvertent, makeshift, precipitate, rough and ready, snap, surprised, taken aback, taken … Moby Thesaurus
undevised — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Not intended: inadvertent, undesigned, unintended, unintentional, unmeant, unplanned, unwitting. See PLANNED … English dictionary for students
undevised — un·devised … English syllables
ad lib — Synonyms and related words: a beneplacito, a discretion, ad arbitrium, ad libitum, ad libbing, al piacere, arrangement, at choice, at pleasure, at short notice, at sight, at will, be caught napping, be surprised, be taken unawares, be unprepared … Moby Thesaurus
caught short — Synonyms and related words: ad lib, astonished, caught napping, caught off balance, extemporaneous, extemporized, haphazard, hasty, impromptu, improvised, makeshift, precipitate, rough and ready, snap, struck with surprise, surprised, taken aback … Moby Thesaurus
extemporaneous — Synonyms and related words: ad lib, ad libitum, ad lib, casual, caught napping, caught off balance, caught short, extemporary, extempore, extemporized, haphazard, hasty, impromptu, improvisatorial, improvise, improvised, improviso, impulsive,… … Moby Thesaurus
haphazard — Synonyms and related words: accidental, accidentally, ad lib, aimless, aimlessly, amorphous, any which way, anyhow, anywise, around, at random, botched, bungling, capricious, careless, carelessly, casual, casually, caught napping, caught off… … Moby Thesaurus
hasty — Synonyms and related words: a bit previous, abrupt, accident prone, ad lib, advanced, agile, antsy, antsy pantsy, anxious, bearish, brash, breakneck, breathless, brief, brisk, careless, caught napping, caught off balance, caught short, chafing,… … Moby Thesaurus