
1. [ʹʌndə͵wɔ:tə] n
подземные воды
2. [͵ʌndəʹwɔ:tə] a

underwater sport - подводный спорт

underwater sportsman - спортсмен-подводник

underwater swimming [diving] - подводное плавание [ныряние]

underwater firing - воен. запуск снаряда из подводного положения (с подводной лодки)

underwater launch - пуск (ракеты) из подводного положения

3. [͵ʌndəʹwɔ:tə] adv
под водой

he stayed underwater for twenty minutes - он находился под водой двадцать минут

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "underwater" в других словарях:

  • Underwater — is a term describing the realm below the surface of water where the water exists in a natural feature (called a body of water) such as an ocean, sea, lake, pond, or river. Three quarters of the planet Earth is covered by water. A majority of the… …   Wikipedia

  • underwater — (adj.) 1620s, from UNDER (Cf. under) + WATER (Cf. water) …   Etymology dictionary

  • underwater — [adj] under the water’s surface immersed, subaquatic, subaqueous, submarine, submerged, sunken, undersea; concepts 467,514,603 …   New thesaurus

  • underwater — ► ADJECTIVE & ADVERB ▪ situated or occurring beneath the surface of the water …   English terms dictionary

  • underwater — [un′dər wôt′ər] adj. 1. being, placed, done, etc. beneath the surface of the water 2. used or for use under water 3. below the waterline of a ship adv. beneath the surface of the water …   English World dictionary

  • underwater — [[t]ʌ̱ndə(r)wɔ͟ːtə(r)[/t]] 1) ADV: ADV after v, n ADV Something that exists or happens underwater exists or happens below the surface of the sea, a river, or a lake. ...giant submarines able to travel at high speeds underwater... Some stretches… …   English dictionary

  • underwater — un|der|wa|ter [ˌʌndəˈwo:tə US ˌʌndərˈwo:tər, ˈwa: ] adj [only before noun] below the surface of an area of water, or able to be used there ▪ an underwater camera >underwater adv ▪ He dived underwater and swam away …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • underwater — UK [ˌʌndə(r)ˈwɔːtə(r)] / US [ˌʌndərˈwɔtər] adjective existing, happening, or used under the surface of water underwater caves Derived word: underwater UK / US adverb plants that grow underwater …   English dictionary

  • underwater — adjective Date: 1627 1. lying, growing, worn, performed, or operating below the surface of the water < underwater plants > 2. being below the waterline of a ship • underwater adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • underwater — /un deuhr waw teuhr, wot euhr/, adj. 1. existing or occurring under water. 2. designed to be used under water. 3. located below a ship s waterline. adv. 4. beneath the water: to travel underwater. n. 5. the water beneath the surface: cold… …   Universalium

  • underwater — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} adj. Underwater is used with these nouns: ↑archaeology, ↑camera, ↑creature, ↑earthquake, ↑explorer, ↑microphone, ↑navigation, ↑photography, ↑volcano {{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}} adv …   Collocations dictionary

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