- uncrowned
- [ʌnʹkraʋnd] a
1. некоронованный
uncrowned king [queen] - некоронованный король [-ая королева]
2. незавершённый, незаконченный; невыполненный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
uncrowned king [queen] - некоронованный король [-ая королева]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
uncrowned — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not formally crowned as a monarch … English terms dictionary
uncrowned — [unkround′] adj. 1. not crowned; not officially installed as a ruler by a coronation ceremony 2. ruling without the title of king, queen, etc … English World dictionary
uncrowned — un|crowned [ˌʌnˈkraund] adj the uncrowned king/queen of sth the person who is thought to be the best or most famous in a particular activity ▪ the uncrowned king of jazz … Dictionary of contemporary English
uncrowned — un|crowned [ ʌn kraund ] adjective not yet CROWNED (=officially made king or queen) the uncrowned king/queen of something someone who is considered the most skillful or famous in a particular activity or situation: the uncrowned queen of TV soaps … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
uncrowned — adjective the uncrowned king/queen of the person who is thought to be the best or most famous in a particular activity: Martina Navratilova, the uncrowned queen of women s tennis … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
uncrowned — UK [ʌnˈkraʊnd] / US adjective not yet crowned (= officially made king or queen) • the uncrowned king/queen of something someone who is considered the most skilful or the most famous in a particular activity or situation the uncrowned queen of TV… … English dictionary
uncrowned — /ˈʌnkraʊnd/ (say unkrownd) adjective 1. not crowned; not having yet assumed the crown. 2. having royal status or power without royal rank. –phrase 3. uncrowned king (or queen), someone who is regarded as the unofficial leader of his (or her) own… …
uncrowned — adjective 1. not having an (artificial) crown on a tooth; used especially of molars and bicuspids uncrowned teeth badly in need of attention • Ant: ↑crowned • Similar to: ↑uncapped • Topics: ↑den … Useful english dictionary
uncrowned — adj. Uncrowned is used with these nouns: ↑king … Collocations dictionary
uncrowned — /un krownd /, adj. 1. not crowned; not having yet assumed the crown. 2. having royal rank or power without occupying the royal office. [1350 1400; ME uncrouned. See UN 1, CROWNED] * * * … Universalium
uncrowned — adjective a) Not (yet) crowned b) deprived of the monarchy … Wiktionary