- uncorseted
- [͵ʌnʹkɔ:sıtıd] a
1) не носящая корсета
an uncorseted figure - фигура без корсета
2) ничем не стеснённый, раскованный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
an uncorseted figure - фигура без корсета
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
uncorseted — adjective Date: 1856 1. not wearing a corset 2. not controlled or inhibited < uncorseted freedom > … New Collegiate Dictionary
uncorseted — |ən+ adjective Etymology: un (I) + corset + ed 1. : not wearing a corset 2. : not controlled, inhibited, or restricted their language is as uncorseted and robust as English Harrison Smith … Useful english dictionary
uncorseted — adj. * * * … Universalium
uncorseted — adjective Not dressed in a corset … Wiktionary
uncorseted — un·corseted … English syllables
uncorseted — un•cor′set•ed adj … From formal English to slang
Belly dance — Oriental dance redirects here. For other forms of dance from the Middle East, see Middle Eastern dance. For the single by Akon, see Belly Dancer (Bananza). Raqs Sharqi dancer Chryssanthi Sahar Scharf in Heidelberg … Wikipedia
1890s in fashion — Fashion in the 1890s in European and European influenced countries is characterized by long elegant lines, tall collars, and the rise of sportswear. Women s fashions Fashionable women s clothing styles shed some of the extravagances of previous… … Wikipedia
1870s in fashion — 1870s fashion in European and European influenced clothing is characterized by a gradual return to a narrow silhouette after the full skirted fashions of the 1850s and 1860s. Women s fashionsOverviewBy 1870, fullness in the skirt had moved to the … Wikipedia
1550-1600 in fashion — Fashion in the period 1550 1600 in Western European clothing is characterized by increased opulence, the rise of the ruff, the expansion of the farthingale for women, and, for men, the disappearance of the codpiece.General trendsThe Spanish… … Wikipedia
1900s in fashion — Fashion in the period throughout the years 1900 1909 in European and European influenced and American women with the countries continued the period, as do women s broad hats and full Gibson girl hairstyles. A new, columnar silhouette introduced… … Wikipedia