Unconsidered — Un con*sid ered, a. Not considered or attended to; not regarded; inconsiderable; trifling. [1913 Webster] A snapper up of unconsidered trifles. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unconsidered — [un΄kən sid′ərd] adj. 1. not considered; not taken into account 2. done without consideration; not based upon careful reflection [a hasty, unconsidered remark] … English World dictionary
unconsidered — index haphazard, ill advised, ill judged, impulsive (rash), injudicious, irrational, misadvised … Law dictionary
unconsidered — adjective 1 unconsidered remarks or actions are made without thinking about the possible results 2 formal not important or not noticed: unconsidered trifles … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
unconsidered — adjective Date: 1587 1. not considered or worth consideration 2. not resulting from consideration < unconsidered remarks > … New Collegiate Dictionary
unconsidered — un|con|sid|ered [ˌʌnkənˈsıdəd US ərd] adj written unconsidered remarks or actions are made without care or thinking about the possible results … Dictionary of contemporary English
unconsidered — adj. * * * … Universalium
unconsidered — adjective Not considered … Wiktionary
unconsidered — Synonyms and related words: abandoned, aimless, automatic, brash, casual, deserted, designless, desultory, disregarded, gut, half done, haphazard, hasty, hit or miss, hotheaded, ignored, ill advised, ill considered, ill contrived, ill devised,… … Moby Thesaurus
unconsidered — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Characterized by unthinking boldness and haste: brash, foolhardy, harum scarum, hasty, headlong, hotheaded, ill considered, impetuous, improvident, impulsive, incautious, madcap, precipitant, precipitate, rash1,… … English dictionary for students
unconsidered — un|con|sid|ered [ ,ʌnkən sıdərd ] adjective 1. ) done or said without first thinking what the results or effects might be 2. ) ignored or unimportant … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English