- unclasp
- [ʌnʹklɑ:sp] v
1. расстёгивать, отстёгивать
to unclasp a brooch - отстегнуть брошь
2. 1) разжиматьto unclasp one's hands - разжать руки
2) выпускать (из рук, объятий)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to unclasp a brooch - отстегнуть брошь
to unclasp one's hands - разжать руки
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Unclasp — Un*clasp , v. t. [1st pref. un + clasp.] To loose the clasp of; to open, as something that is fastened, or as with, a clasp; as, to unclasp a book; to unclasp one s heart. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unclasp — index disengage Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
unclasp — ► VERB 1) unfasten (a clasp or similar device). 2) release the grip of … English terms dictionary
unclasp — [unklasp′] vt. 1. to unfasten the clasp of 2. to release from a clasp or grasp vi. 1. to become unfastened 2. to relax the grasp … English World dictionary
unclasp — /un klasp , klahsp /, v.t. 1. to undo the clasp or clasps of; unfasten. 2. to release from the grasp: to unclasp a sword handle. v.i. 3. to become unclasped, as the hands or arms. 4. to release or relax the grasp. [1520 30; UN 2 + CLASP] * * * … Universalium
unclasp — Date: 1530 transitive verb 1. to open the clasp of 2. to open or cause to be opened (as a clenched hand) intransitive verb to loosen a hold … New Collegiate Dictionary
unclasp — verb a) To release the clasp from something b) To become unfastened … Wiktionary
unclasp — Synonyms and related words: cast off, detach, disengage, doff, free, leave go, let go, let loose of, liberate, loose, loosen, release, remove, take off, unbar, unbind, unbolt, unbuckle, unbutton, unchain, unclutch, undo, unfasten, unfetter,… … Moby Thesaurus
unclasp — (Roget s Thesaurus II) verb To free from ties or fasteners: disengage, loose, loosen, slip, unbind, undo, unfasten, unloose, unloosen, untie. See TIGHTEN … English dictionary for students
unclasp — v. open the clasp of; unfasten; release the grasp; become unclasped … English contemporary dictionary
unclasp — verb 1》 unfasten (a clasp or similar device). 2》 release the grip of … English new terms dictionary