- unclaimed
- [ʌnʹklemıd] a
невостребованный, неистребованный, непотребованный
unclaimed goods - невостребованные товары
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
unclaimed goods - невостребованные товары
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
unclaimed — UK US /ʌnˈkleɪmd/ adjective ► if something is unclaimed, no one has said that it belongs to them or that they want it: »More than €2.5 million lies unclaimed in bank accounts. »The proposed bill requires transfer of unclaimed deposits to the… … Financial and business terms
unclaimed — I adjective forgotten, unallocated, unapplied, unappropriated, unasked for, uncalled for, undemanded, unexacted, unpossessed, unrequisitioned, unsought, untaken associated concepts: last property, unclaimed property II index anonymous, derelict ( … Law dictionary
unclaimed — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not having been claimed … English terms dictionary
unclaimed — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
unclaimed — [[t]ʌ̱nkle͟ɪmd[/t]] ADJ If something is unclaimed, nobody has claimed it or said that it belongs to them. Her luggage remained unclaimed at Frankfurt Departures. ...unclaimed prizes … English dictionary
unclaimed — adj. to go, remain unclaimed * * * [ʌn klemɪd] remain unclaimed to go … Combinatory dictionary
unclaimed — un|claimed [ ʌn kleımd ] adjective without a known owner: unclaimed luggage … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
unclaimed — UK [ʌnˈkleɪmd] / US adjective without a known owner unclaimed luggage … English dictionary
unclaimed funds — Proceeds to creditors who were issued checks that did not clear, which are returned to the trustee. The trustee stops payment on the checks and writes checks to the clerk of the bankruptcy court. The clerk retains proceeds for 5 years and then… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
Unclaimed Baggage Center — The Unclaimed Baggage Center is a retail store located in Scottsboro, Alabama. The store is known for its unique concept of reselling of lost or unclaimed airline luggage. [ [http://www.roadsideamerica.com/attract/ALSCObaggage.html… … Wikipedia
Unclaimed account — If an account remains inactive after it has been marked dormant, it is automatically marked unclaimed … International financial encyclopaedia