- unchurched
- [͵ʌnʹtʃɜ:tʃt] a
не принадлежащий ни к одной церкви; не связанный с церковью
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Unchurched — or The Unchurched or unchurched people is defined by the Barna Group as an adult (18 or older) who has not attended a Christian church service within the past six months excluding special services such as Easter, Christmas, weddings or funerals.… … Wikipedia
unchurched — 1680s, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + churched committed or belonging to a church (see CHURCH (Cf. church)). A verb, unchurch to remove or exclude (someone) from membership in a church is recorded from 1610s … Etymology dictionary
unchurched — [unchʉrcht′] adj. 1. not belonging to or attending any church 2. not having a church … English World dictionary
unchurched — adjective Who does not generally attend church. create a composite profile of the typical unchurched person your church wants to reach … Wiktionary
unchurched — “+t adjective Etymology: un (I) + church, n. + ed : not belonging to or connected with a church the vast masses of unchurched peoples J.C.Brauer … Useful english dictionary
Unchurched Belt — The term Unchurched Belt refers to a region in the far Western United States that has low rates of religious attendance. The term derives from Bible Belt and the notion of the unchurched.The term was first applied to the U.S. west coast in 1985… … Wikipedia
unchurched — adjective Date: 1657 not belonging to or connected with a church … New Collegiate Dictionary
unchurched — /un cherrcht /, adj. not being a member of a church; not attending any church. [1675 85; UN 1 + CHURCH + ED2] * * * … Universalium
unchurched — v. excommunicate, banish from a church; cancel church privileges … English contemporary dictionary
unchurched — adjective not belonging to or connected with a Church … English new terms dictionary
unchurched — un·churched … English syllables