- unblessed unblest
unblessed, unblest
1> лишенный благословения
2> проклятый
3> несчастный, злополучный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Unblest — Unblessed Un*blessed , Unblest Un*blest, a. [Pref. un not + blessed, blest.] Not blest; excluded from benediction; hence, accursed; wretched. Unblessed enchanter. Milton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unblessed — or unblest [unblest′] adj. 1. not hallowed or consecrated 2. not given a blessing 3. accursed; wicked 4. wretched; unhappy … English World dictionary
Unblessed — Un*blessed , Unblest Un*blest, a. [Pref. un not + blessed, blest.] Not blest; excluded from benediction; hence, accursed; wretched. Unblessed enchanter. Milton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unblessed — also unblest adjective Date: 13th century 1. evil, accursed 2. not blessed < an unblessed marriage > … New Collegiate Dictionary
unblest — adjective see unblessed … New Collegiate Dictionary
unblessed — unblessedness /un bles id nis/, n. /un blest /, adj. 1. excluded from or lacking a blessing. 2. not sanctified or hallowed. 3. wicked; evil. 4. unhappy; wretched. Also, unblest. [1275 1325; ME; see UN 1, BLESSED] * * * … Universalium
unblessed — (also unblest) adjective not blessed … English new terms dictionary
unblessed — /ʌnˈblɛst/ (say un blest) adjective 1. excluded from a blessing. 2. unhallowed; unholy. 3. unhappy; wretched. Also, unblest. –unblessedness /ʌnˈblɛsədnəs/ (say un blesuhdnuhs), noun …
unblessed — adj. (also unblest) not blessed … Useful english dictionary
unblest — adjective see unblessed … Useful english dictionary
unbless — unblessˈ transitive verb 1. To withhold happiness from 2. To deprive of blessing unblessedˈ or unblestˈ adjective unblessˈedness noun … Useful english dictionary