- unblenched
- [͵ʌnʹblentʃt] a арх.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
unblenched — index undaunted Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
unblenched — adjective Date: 1634 not disconcerted ; undaunted … New Collegiate Dictionary
unblenched — /un blencht /, adj. Archaic. undaunted. [1625 35; UN 1 + BLENCH1 + ED2] * * * … Universalium
unblenched — un·blenched … English syllables
unblenched — “+ adjective Etymology: un (I) + blenched, past participle of blench (to flinch) : not disconcerted : undaunted … Useful english dictionary
undaunted — I adjective bold, brave, courageous, daring, dauntless, doughty, dreadless, fearless, firm, gallant, gritty, heroic, impavidus, indefatigable, indomitable, interritus, intrepid, intrepidus, mettlesome, perseverant, persevering, persistent,… … Law dictionary
brave — adj 1. courageous, valiant, valorous, heroic, heroical, hero like, stout hearted, lionhearted, iron hearted, great hearted; virile, manly, manful, gallant, chivalrous, chivalric; intrepid, fearless, dauntless, dreadless, aweless, nervy, Sl. gutsy … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
courageous — adj 1. brave, valiant, valorous, heroic, hero like, stout hearted, lionhearted, iron hearted, great hearted; virile, manly, manful, gallant, chivalrous, chivalric; intrepid, fearless, unafraid, dauntless, dreadless, aweless, nervy, Sl. gutsy,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
gallant — adj 1. showy, splendid, grand, Inf. splendiferous, magnificent, brilliant, glorious; elegant, lavish, sumptuous; majestic, imposing, august, princely, imperial, regal; dignified, lofty. 2. brave, courageous, valiant, valorous, heroic, heroical;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
game — n 1. amusement, diversion, distraction, divertissement, pastime, entertainment; recreation, sport, play, fun, merriment, frolic; merrymaking, merriment, joviality, jollity, jollification; tomfoolery, foolery, mummery, buffoonery, clowning around … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
gritty — adj 1. sandy, sandlike, sabulous, arenaceous, arenose, arenulous, Obs. arenarious, Obs. are nate, Obs. arenated; grainy, grained, granular, granulate, granulated; gravelly, pebbly, pebbled, shingly, shingled; dusty, powdery, pulverous,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder