
[ʌnʹɑ:skt] a
1. неприглашённый

unasked guest - незваный гость

they came unasked - они явились без зова /без приглашения/

2. не ожидающий просьбы

she is always ready to help and often does so unasked - она всегда рада помочь и часто помогает по собственной инициативе

many of the contributions to the relief fund were unasked for - многие взносы в фонд помощи были сделаны жертвователями ещё до того, как к ним обратились

3. непрошеный; незатребованный

unasked advice - непрошеный совет

4. незаданный

unasked questions - незаданные вопросы

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unasked" в других словарях:

  • unasked — index unsolicited Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • unasked — (adj.) mid 13c., uninvited, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + pp. of ASK (Cf. ask) …   Etymology dictionary

  • unasked — [adj] voluntary arrogant, gratuitous, impudent, not asked, of one’s own accord, overbearing, presumptuous, spontaneous, supererogatory, unbidden, uncalled for, undemanded, undesired, uninvited, unprompted, unrequested, unsought, unwanted,… …   New thesaurus

  • unasked — [unaskt′] adj. 1. a) not asked or requested b) not asked for 2. not invited …   English World dictionary

  • unasked — un|asked [ʌnˈa:skt US ˈæskt] adj 1.) if a question remains unasked, no one asks it, often because they are embarrassed 2.) BrE if you do something unasked, you do it without anyone asking or inviting you to ▪ George sat down unasked. unasked for… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • unasked — [[t]ʌ̱nɑ͟ːskt, æ̱skt[/t]] 1) ADJ An unasked question is one that has not been asked, although people are wondering what the answer is. She was undernourished, an observation that prompted yet another unasked question... Significant questions will …   English dictionary

  • unasked — adjective, adverb 1 if a question is unasked, no one asks it, often because they are embarrassed 2 if you do something unasked, you do it without anyone asking or inviting you to: Jerry entered unasked, and stood by the fire. | unasked for:… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • unasked — un|asked [ ʌn æskt ] adjective 1. ) an unasked question is a question that people have not asked, especially because someone would be upset or embarrassed by it 2. ) if you do something unasked, you do it without being asked or told to unasked… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • unasked — adjective Date: 13th century 1. not being asked ; uninvited 2. not asked < unasked questions > 3. not asked for < unasked advice > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • unasked — /un askt , ahskt /, adj. 1. not asked: an unasked question. 2. not asked for: unasked advice. 3. uninvited. [1225 75; ME; see UN 1, ASK, ED2] Syn. 2. unsolicited, unsought, unrequested. * * * …   Universalium

  • unasked — adj. unasked for * * * [ʌn ɑːskt] unasked for …   Combinatory dictionary

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