- unadept
- [ʌnʹædept] a
несведущий, не имеющий специальной подготовки, квалификации и т. п.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
unadept — adj.; unadeptly, adv.; unadeptness, n. * * * … Universalium
unadept — un·adept … English syllables
unadept — |ən+ noun : one who is not an adept : layman … Useful english dictionary
Lonely Hearts (Angel) — Infobox Television episode Title=Lonely Hearts Series=Angel Season=1 Episode=2 Airdate=October 12 1999 Production=1ADH02 Writer=David Fury Director=James Contner Guests=Elisabeth Röhm (Kate) Lillian Birdsell (Sharon) Obi Ndefo (Bartender) Episode … Wikipedia
inapt — adj 1. unsuited, unsuitable, unfitting, unfit, inappropriate, unapt, out of place; inapposite, inapplicable, impertinent, unrelated, nonrelated; inconsistent, incongruent, incongruous, out of keeping, alien, foreign. 2. inept, incapable,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
unapt — adj 1. unfit, unsuitable, out of character, out of keeping; unappropriate, inapposite, malapropos, out of place, inapplicable; unfitted, unsuited, ill adapted, incompatible, uncongenial; improper, unbefitting, unmeet, incorrect, unseemly,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
clumsy — [adj] not agile; awkward all thumbs*, blundering, blunderous, bulky, bumbling, bungling, butterfingered*, clownish, crude, elephantine, gauche, gawkish, gawky, graceless, ham handed*, heavy, heavy handed, helpless, hulking, ill shaped,… … New thesaurus
uncoordinated — [adj] awkward, clumsy all thumbs*, bumbling, bungling, butterfingered*, gawkish, gawky, graceless, heavy handed, klutzy*, like a bull in a china shop*, lumbering, not agile, stumbling, unadept, ungainly, ungraceful, unhandy, unskillful; concepts… … New thesaurus
gei- — gei English meaning: to turn, bend Deutsche Übersetzung: “drehen, biegen”? Note: Only in Root extensions: Material: O.Ind. jihmá ḥ “ crooked, cunning, deceitful, slant, skew, slantwise, crosswise recumbent, stoopedly,… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary