- umbilical connection
- [ʌm͵bılık(ə)l|ʹkeıb(ə)l,-{ʌm͵bılık(ə)l}kəʹnekʃ(ə)n] = umbilical I 3) и 4)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Umbilical cord — of a three minute old child. A medical clamp has been applied. Latin funiculus umbilicalis Code … Wikipedia
umbilical vesicle — n the yolk sac of a mammalian embryo usu. having the form of a fluid filled pouch, corresponding to the yolk sac of an oviparous vertebrate, and having a transitory connection with the alimentary canal by way of the omphalomesenteric duct * * *… … Medical dictionary
umbilical cord — 1. Anat. a cord or funicle connecting the embryo or fetus with the placenta of the mother and transporting nourishment from the mother and wastes from the fetus. 2. any electrical, fuel, or other cable or connection for servicing, operating, or… … Universalium
umbilical — I. adjective Date: 1541 1. of, relating to, or used at the navel 2. of or relating to the central region of the abdomen 3. being a necessary or nurturing link or connection < the town s umbilical rail line > II. noun Date: 1774 umbilical cord 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
connection — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Physical link Nouns 1. connection, bond, tie, link, concatenation; connective, interconnection; daisy chain; nexus, neck, isthmus; nape; bridge, tunnel, causeway, viaduct, etc. See contact, junction. 2.… … English dictionary for students
umbilical cord — noun Date: 1753 1. a. a cord arising from the navel that connects the fetus with the placenta and through which respiratory gases, nutrients, and wastes pass b. yolk stalk 2. a tethering or supply line (as for an astronaut outside a spacecraft or … New Collegiate Dictionary
umbilical cord — umbil′ical cord n. 1) dvl a cordlike structure connecting the fetus with the placenta during pregnancy, conveying nourishment from the mother and removing wastes 2) elm rkt a disconnectable cable or connection for servicing, operating, or testing … From formal English to slang
umbilical vesicle — noun membranous structure that functions as the circulatory system in mammalian embryos until the heart becomes functional • Syn: ↑yolk sac, ↑vitelline sac, ↑vesicula umbilicus • Hypernyms: ↑sac * * * noun : the yolk sac of a mammalian … Useful english dictionary
Apollo Command/Service Module — Apollo CSM The Apollo 15 CSM in lunar orbit Description Role: Earth and Lunar Orbit Crew: 3; CDR, CM pilot, LM pilot Dimensions Height: 36.2 ft 11.03 m … Wikipedia
Life support system — For other uses of Life support , see Life support (disambiguation). In human spaceflight, a life support system is a group of devices that allow a human being to survive in space. US government space agency NASA,[1] and private spaceflight… … Wikipedia
snake — snakelike, adj. /snayk/, n., v., snaked, snaking. n. 1. any of numerous limbless, scaly, elongate reptiles of the suborder Serpentes, comprising venomous and nonvenomous species inhabiting tropical and temperate areas. 2. a treacherous person; an … Universalium