
1. [͵ʌltrəmɒnʹteın] n
1. живущий по ту, другую сторону Альп (об итальянцах)
2. (Ultramontane) ультрамонтан (сторонник абсолютного авторитета римского папы)
2. [͵ʌltrəmɒnʹteın] a
1. живущий по ту, другую сторону Альп (об итальянцах)
2. (Ultramontane) являющийся сторонником абсолютного авторитета римского папы

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ultramontane" в других словарях:

  • Ultramontane — Ul tra*mon tane, [LL. ultramontanus; L. ultra beyond + montanus belonging to a mountain, from mons, montis, mountain: cf. F. ultramontain, It. ultramontano. See {Ultra }, and {Mountain}.] Being beyond the mountains; specifically, being beyond the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ultramontane — [ul΄trəmän′tān΄, ul΄trəmän tān′] adj. [ML ultramontanus < L ultra, beyond + mons (gen. montis), MOUNT1] 1. beyond the mountains, specif. the Alps 2. of the Roman Catholic doctrine of papal supremacy or the former Church party advocating it n.… …   English World dictionary

  • Ultramontane — Ul tra*mon tane, n. 1. One who resides beyond the mountains, especially beyond the Alps; a foreigner. [1913 Webster] 2. One who maintains extreme views favoring the pope s supremacy. See {Ultramontanism}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ultramontane — (adj.) 1590s, from M.Fr. ultramontain beyond the mountains (especially the Alps), from Old French (early 14c.), from L. ultra beyond (see ULTRA (Cf. ultra )) + stem of mons (see MOUNT (Cf. mount) (n.)). Used especially of papal authority, though… …   Etymology dictionary

  • ultramontane — 1. adjective a) respecting the supremacy of the Pope. Tis no wonder that a Council which had declard itſelf ſuperior to the Popes, which had undertaken to try, and even to depoſe them, and had given ſuch great Blows to the Privileges, and to the… …   Wiktionary

  • ultramontane — adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin ultramontanus, from Latin ultra + mont , mons mountain more at mount Date: circa 1618 1. of or relating to countries or peoples beyond the mountains (as the Alps) 2. favoring greater or absolute supremacy of… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • ultramontane — /ʌltrəˈmɒnteɪn/ (say ultruh montayn) adjective 1. beyond the mountains. 2. south of the Alps; Italian. 3. Christian Church relating to or supporting the Roman Catholic belief that the pope is the spiritual head of the church in all countries. 4.… …  

  • ultramontane — /ul treuh mon tayn , mon tayn/, adj. 1. beyond the mountains. 2. of or pertaining to the area south of the Alps, esp. Italy. 3. Rom. Cath. Ch. a. of, pertaining to, or advocating ultramontanism. b. of, pertaining to, or supporting the belief that …   Universalium

  • Ultramontane — Ul|tra|mon|ta|ne, der u. die; n, n <Dekl. ↑Abgeordnete: jmd., der streng päpstlich gesinnt ist: Dreyfus Gegner aber galten als »wüste Fanatiker, Antisemiten, Militaristen, Klerikale, Imperialisten, Royalisten, Nationalisten, U. und… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Ultramontane — Ul|tra|mon|ta|ne der; n, n: strenger Katholik …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • ultramontane — south of the Alps; supporting the Pope Ecclesiastical Terms …   Phrontistery dictionary

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