- uberrima fides
- [jʋ͵bɜ:rıməʹfaıdi:z] лат. юр.
наивысшая добросовестность; наивысшая степень доверия
contract uberrimae fidei - договор, требующий наивысшей добросовестности (обыкн. в страховом деле)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
contract uberrimae fidei - договор, требующий наивысшей добросовестности (обыкн. в страховом деле)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
uberrima fides — uber·ri·ma fi·des /yü ber i mə fī ˌdēz, ü ber ē ˌmä fē ˌdās/ n [Latin, most abundant good faith]: utmost or perfect good faith acted in uberrima fides ◇ The terms uberrima fides and uberrimae fidei, although grammatically distinct in Latin, are… … Law dictionary
Uberrima fides — (sometimes seen in its genitive form uberrimae fidei) is a Latin phrase meaning utmost good faith (literally, most abundant faith ). It is the name of a legal doctrine which governs insurance contracts. This means that all parties to an insurance … Wikipedia
uberrima fides — yüˈberəməˈfī(ˌ)dēz noun Etymology: Latin, literally, most abundant faith : good faith the rights of the parties … should be interpreted in a spirit of uberrima fides H.B.Brown … Useful english dictionary
uberrima fides — See utmost good faith … Big dictionary of business and management
uberrima fides — /yuwbehrama faydiyz/ Lat. The most abundant good faith; absolute and perfect candor or openness and honesty; the absence of any concealment or deception, however slight. A phrase used to express the perfect good faith, concealing nothing, with… … Black's law dictionary
Uberrima fides — utmost good faith, as required of one who contracts with another to whom he stands in a fiduciary relationship. 37 Am J2d Fraud § 15. Insurance policies are traditionally contracts uberrimae fidei. Stipcich v Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. 277 US 311 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Fides — may refer to:*Fides (mythology), the goddess of trust in Roman mythology *Fides (reliability), guide allowing estimated reliability calculation in electronics *Fides Romanin, Italian cross country skier of the 1950s *37 Fides, asteroid in the… … Wikipedia
fides — /faydiyz/ Faith; honesty; confidence; trust; veracity; honor. Occurring in the phrases bona fides (good faith), mala fides (bad faith), and uberrima fides (the utmost or most abundant good faith) … Black's law dictionary
fides — /faydiyz/ Faith; honesty; confidence; trust; veracity; honor. Occurring in the phrases bona fides (good faith), mala fides (bad faith), and uberrima fides (the utmost or most abundant good faith) … Black's law dictionary
utmost good faith — uberrima fides The fundamental principle of insurance practice, requiring that a person wishing to take out an insurance cover must provide all the information the insurer needs to calculate the correct premium for the risk involved. Nothing must … Big dictionary of business and management
William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield — For descendants of the first Lord Mansfield, see Earl of Mansfield and Mansfield. The Right Honourable The Earl of Mansfield SL … Wikipedia