- typhoon
- [taıʹfu:n] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Typhoon 2 — was a Robot in the UK television series Robot Wars, noteworthy for being the final champion of the show before it was cancelled. It was a full body spinner with cutting claws. In two battles in series 7, which it competed in, it knocked out the… … Wikipedia
Typhoon — ist das englische Wort für den pazifischen Wirbelsturm Taifun. Es wird verwendet für: Name des heutigen Militärflugzeuges Eurofighter Typhoon (die deutschen Luftstreitkräfte verwenden lediglich die Bezeichnung Eurofighter) Name des früheren… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Typhoon — Ty*phoon , n. [Earlier tuffoon, tuffon, Pg. tuf[ a]o, Ar. tuf[=a]n a violent storm; probably fr. Gr. tyfw^n, tyfw^s, a violent whirlwind, that rushes upward from the earth, whirling clouds of dust (cf. {Typhus}); or perhaps from Chin. t ai fung a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
typhoon — Tiphon violent storm, whirlwind, tornado, 1550s, from Gk. typhon whirlwind, personified as a giant, father of the winds, perhaps from typhein to smoke (Cf. TYPHUS (Cf. typhus)). The meaning cyclone, violent hurricane of India or the China Seas… … Etymology dictionary
typhoon — *whirlwind, cyclone, hurricane, tornado, waterspout, twister … New Dictionary of Synonyms
typhoon — ► NOUN ▪ a tropical storm in the region of the Indian or western Pacific oceans. ORIGIN partly from Arabic, partly from a Chinese dialect word meaning big wind … English terms dictionary
typhoon — [tī fo͞on′] n. [< Chin dial. tai fung, lit., great wind (or < ? Tai, Formosa: hence, Formosa wind); merged with earlier tuphan, tufan < Port tufão < Ar tūfān < Gr typhōn, hurricane, akin to typhos: see TYPHUS] any violent tropical… … English World dictionary
typhoon — typhonic /tuy fon ik/, adj. /tuy foohn /, n. 1. a tropical cyclone or hurricane of the western Pacific area and the China seas. 2. a violent storm or tempest of India. 3. (cap.) Mil. a. a single engine British ground attack aircraft of World War… … Universalium
typhoon — noun TYPHOON + VERB ▪ hit sth, strike sth ▪ The town was hit by a typhoon. ▪ damage sth, destroy sth, devastate sth ▪ The plantation was devastated by a typ … Collocations dictionary
Typhoon — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Typhoon est la traduction anglaise de typhon. Ce nom est employé sous sa forme anglaise généralement pour des appellations : Hawker Typhoon : un … Wikipédia en Français
typhoon — n. the typhoon hit/struck (several islands) * * * the typhoon hit/struck (several islands) … Combinatory dictionary