

1> _археол. типичная для определенной культуры стоянка
древнего человека

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "typesite" в других словарях:

  • typesite — type site n. An archaeological site regarded as definitively characteristic of a particular culture and whose name is often applied to the culture. For example, the Le Moustier cave in southwest France is the type site for the Mousterian culture …   Universalium

  • Type site — [ Celtic Hallstatt culture ca. 800ndash400 BCE.] In archaeology a type site (also known as a type site or typesite) is a site that is considered the model of a particular archaeological culture. For example, the type site of the Pre Pottery… …   Wikipedia

  • Mount Pleasant Period — The Mount Pleasant Period is a phase of the later Neolithic in Britain dating to between c. 2750 BC and 2000 BC. It was so named by Colin Burgess in the 1970s using Mount Pleasant henge as its typesite.[1] The period is divided into three phases …   Wikipedia

  • Meldon Bridge Period — The Meldon Bridge Period is the name given by archaeologists to the earliest period of metalworking and the first period of the late Neolithic in Britain. It spans the period 3000 BC to 2750 BC and is named after the typesite of Meldon Bridge in… …   Wikipedia

  • Overton Period — The Overton Period is the name given by archaeologists to a division of prehistory in Britain covering the period between 2000 BC and 1650 BC. It follows the Mount Pleasant Period and precedes the Bedd Branwen Period and is named after the… …   Wikipedia

  • Penard Period — The Penard Period is a metalworking phase of the Bronze Age in Britain spanning the period c. 1275 BC to c. 1140 BC. It is named after the typesite of Penard in West Glamorgan, where a hoard of bronze tools from the period was found in 1827.The… …   Wikipedia

  • All Cannings Cross — is the name of farm and an archaeological site close to All Cannings near Devizes in the English county of Wiltshire.It is famous as being the first site where the emergence of iron age technology in Britain was identified by archaeologists. In… …   Wikipedia

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