- tympanites
- [͵tımpəʹnaıti:z] n мед.
метеоризм, тимпания, пучение, вздутие живота; ветряные колики
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
tympanites — [tim΄pə nīt′ēz΄] n. [ME < LL < Gr tympanitēs < tympanon: see TYMPAN] a distention of the abdomen by the accumulation of gas or air in the intestines or peritoneal cavity tympanitic [tim΄pənit′ik] adj … English World dictionary
Tympanites — Tym pa*ni tes, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? a kettledrum.] (Med.) A flatulent distention of the belly; tympany. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tympanītes — (griech., Trommelsucht), s. Aufblähen, Blähungen und Meteorismus … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Tympanites — This article is about the medical condition. For the musical instrument, see timpani. Tympanites ICD 10 R14 ICD 9 787.3 Tympanites (from the Greek τύμπανο, drum ), also known as meteor … Wikipedia
Tympanites — A hollow drum like sound produced when a gas containing cavity is tapped sharply. Tympanites is heard if the chest contains free air (pneumothorax) or the abdomen is distended with gas. Another term for tympanites is tympany. Both terms are… … Medical dictionary
tympanites — tympanitic /tim peuh nit ik/, adj. /tim peuh nuy teez/, n. Pathol. distention of the abdominal wall, as in peritonitis, caused by the accumulation of gas or air in the intestine or peritoneal cavity. [1350 1400; ME < LL tympanites < Gk tympanítes … Universalium
tympanites — tym•pa•ni•tes [[t]ˌtɪm pəˈnaɪ tiz[/t]] n. pat gross distention of the abdominal wall by gas in the peritoneal cavity or intestines • Etymology: 1350–1400; ME < LL tympanītēs < Gk tympanitēs, der. of týmpanon drum (see tympanum) tym… … From formal English to slang
tympanites — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin, from Greek tympanitēs, from tympanon Date: 14th century a distension of the abdomen caused by accumulation of gas in the intestinal tract or peritoneal cavity • tympanitic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
tympanites — noun a distended abdomen as a result of an accumulation of gas Syn: tympany, meteorism … Wiktionary
tympanites — n. distention of the abdomen caused by accumulated gas (Pathology) … English contemporary dictionary
tympanites — [ˌtɪmpə nʌɪti:z] noun Medicine swelling of the abdomen with air or gas. Derivatives tympanitic adjective Origin ME: via late L. from Gk tumpanitēs, from tumpanon (see tympanum) … English new terms dictionary