
[taık] n
1. диал. дворняжка
2. диал. грубиян
3. разг.
1) малыш

poor little tyke - бедная крошка

2) озорник, шалун

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tyke" в других словарях:

  • Tyke — can refer to:* A child * The Yorkshire dialect or a Yorkshireman * A Mixed breed dog * Tyke the elephant, a circus elephant * Tyke, a character in Tom and Jerry the son of Spike, friend to Jerry and nuisance to Tom. * Tyke Peacock, an American… …   Wikipedia

  • Tyke — Tyke, n. 1. See 2d {Tike}. [1913 Webster] 2. a small child. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tyke — [taık] n [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: tyke dog (15 21 centuries), from Old Norse tik female dog ] 1.) BrE spoken a child who is behaving badly 2.) AmE informal a small child 3.) BrE informal someone from Yorkshire …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • tyke — [ taık ] noun count INFORMAL a small child …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • tyke — c.1400, cur, mongrel, from O.N. tik bitch, related to M.L.G. tike. Also applied in Middle English to a low bred or lazy man. The meaning child is from 1902, though it was used in playful reproof from 1894 …   Etymology dictionary

  • tyke — (also tike) ► NOUN 1) informal a small child, especially a mischievous one. 2) a dog, especially a mongrel. 3) Brit. informal a person from Yorkshire. ORIGIN Old Norse, bitch …   English terms dictionary

  • tyke — [tīk] n. [ME tike < ON tik, a bitch < IE base * digh , goat > OE ticcen, a kid] 1. Informal a small child 2. Brit. a) a dog, esp. a mongrel b) Dial. a boor …   English World dictionary

  • tyke — Tike Tike, n. [Icel. t[=i]k a bitch; akin to Sw. tik.] 1. A dog; a cur. Bobtail tike or trundle tail. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. A countryman or clown; a boorish, clumsy, or eccentric person; also spelled {tyke}. [1913 Webster +PJC] 3. a small… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tyke — UK [taɪk] / US noun [countable] Word forms tyke : singular tyke plural tykes informal a small child who behaves badly …   English dictionary

  • tyke — also tike noun Etymology: Middle English tyke, from Old Norse tīk bitch; akin to Middle Low German tīke bitch Date: 15th century 1. dog; especially an inferior or mongrel dog 2. a. chiefly British a clumsy, churlish, or eccentric person b. a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Tyke — noun a) A dialect, also known as Yorkshire, spoken in the county of Yorkshire. b) a Yorkshireman See Also: tyke …   Wiktionary

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