bird dog

bird dog
1. [ʹbɜ:ddɒg] амер.
1. охотничья собака, натасканная на птиц
2. сл.
1) ищейка, сыщик
2) агент (фирмы и т. п.), подыскивающий заказы
2. [ʹbɜ:ddɒg] амер. разг.
1. вынюхивать; преследовать; приставать; следовать по пятам
2. подыскивать заказы

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "bird dog" в других словарях:

  • bird-dog — ☆ bird dog [bʉrd′dôg΄ ] vt. bird dogged, bird dogging Informal to search out diligently or pursue doggedly …   English World dictionary

  • bird-dog — (USA) If you bird dog, you follow someone or something very closely, monitoring them …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • bird dog — n AmE a dog that is trained to find and return with birds that have been shot for sport British Equivalent: gun dog …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bird dog — bird ,dog noun count AMERICAN a dog trained to bring back birds after someone shoots them …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bird dog — bird′ dog n. dch a dog trained to hunt or retrieve birds • Etymology: 1885–90, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • bird dog — ☆ bird dog n. 1. a dog trained for hunting birds, as a pointer 2. Informal a person whose work is searching, as for missing persons …   English World dictionary

  • Bird dog — This is about the trained animal; for other uses see bird dog (disambiguation). A bird dog is a type of gun dog or hunting dog used to hunt or retrieve birds. In the southern United States the term bird dog refers to dog breeds such as the… …   Wikipedia

  • bird dog —    1. American    a small gambler who follows the betting pattern of heavy gamblers    Literally, the animal that retrieves the quarry brought down by its master. In this instance, the master is likely to be party to criminal interference with… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • bird dog — n. A hot dog made from bird meat. Example Citation: In a frankly fun taste test of hot dogs, our panel threw out Boar s Head Natural Casing Wieners, citing a greasy flavor and an odd aftertaste. The top dog award went to Publix store brand. These …   New words

  • Bird Dog — A real estate investing term that refers to someone who spends their time trying to locate properties with substantial investment potential. Usually, the intent is to find properties that are distressed and selling at a discount that can be… …   Investment dictionary

  • bird-dog — 1. tv. to take away another man’s girlfriend. □ Why’d you have to go and bird dog me, your best buddy? □ I didn’t bird dog you. I’m just more loveable, that’s all. 2. tv. to supervise someone; to tail someone. □ I wish you would stop bird dogging …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

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