- twilight sleep
- [twaılaıtʹsli:p] мед.
1) полусон (способ обезболивания родов)2) полубессознательное, сумеречное состояние
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Twilight sleep — (English translation of the idiomaticcite news |first=H. J. last=Boldt authorlink= coauthors= title= TWILIGHT SLEEP. ; An Inaccurate Translation of the German Daemmerschlaf. url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9504E6DE123FE233A25754… … Wikipedia
twilight sleep — n. [transl. of Ger dämmerschlaf] a state of partial anesthesia induced by the injection of morphine and scopolamine, formerly used to lessen the pains of childbirth … English World dictionary
Twilight sleep — A term applied to the combination of analgesia (pain relief) and amnesia (loss of memory) produced by a mixture of morphine and scopolamine ( scope ) given by a hypodermic injection (an injection under the skin). The mixture of the two drugs… … Medical dictionary
twilight sleep — /ˈtwaɪlaɪt slip/ (say twuyluyt sleep) noun a state of semiconsciousness usually produced by hypodermic injections of scopolamine and morphine, in order to effect relatively painless childbirth. {translation of German Dämmerschlaf} …
twilight sleep — Med. a state of semiconsciousness, usually produced by hypodermic injections of scopolamine and morphine, used chiefly to effect relatively painless childbirth. [1910 15] * * * … Universalium
twilight sleep — noun Medicine a state of partial narcosis or stupor without total loss of consciousness, in particular a state induced by an injection of morphine and scopolamine … English new terms dictionary
twilight sleep — noun a state of general anesthesia in which the person retains a slight degree of consciousness; can be induced by injection of scopolamine or morphine • Hypernyms: ↑general anesthesia, ↑general anaesthesia … Useful english dictionary
Sleep, twilight — A term applied to the combination of analgesia (pain relief) and amnesia (loss of memory) produced by a mixture of morphine and scopolamine ( scope ) given by a hypodermic injection (an injection under the skin). The mixture of the two drugs… … Medical dictionary
twilight — n. 1 the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, esp. in the evening. 2 the period of this. 3 a faint light. 4 a state of imperfect knowledge or understanding. 5 a period of decline or destruction. Phrases and idioms:… … Useful english dictionary
Twilight: Where Darkness Begins — is an out of print teen (young adult) horror series published between 1982 and 1987. There are 26 stand alone books in the series written by various authors; the most notable being Bruce Coville, Carl Laymon (aka Richard Laymon), Imogen Howe,… … Wikipedia
Twilight (Erben der Schöpfung album) — Twilight is the first album by the band Erben Der Schöpfung. First releaze was 2001 under the label M.O.S. Records ltd. which was coupled with a single release of the track Elis . After signing by Napalm Records, there was a re release in… … Wikipedia