- twicetold
1> рассказанный дважды
2> сосчитанный дважды
3> известный, избитый
twice-told tale старая история
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Gym Class Heroes — en concert (2007) Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
The Papercut Chronicles — Album par Gym Class Heroes Sortie 22 février 2005 Enregistrement aux Watchmen Studios, Lockport, New York Durée 57 37 Genre … Wikipédia en Français
Hawthorne — (spr. Haodhsorn), Nathaniel, geb. 1809 in Salem (Massachusetts), studirte in Bowdin College in Maine, beschäftigte sich nachher literarisch, erhielt 1839 eine Anstellung beim Zollwesen in Boston, welche er jedoch bald aufgab u. sich erst in West… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
te´di|ous|ness — te|di|ous «TEE dee uhs, TEE juhs», adjective. 1. long and tiring; boring; irksome: »A long talk that you cannot understand is tedious. Life is as tedious as a twicetold tale (Shakespeare). SYNONYM(S): wearisome. 2. writing or talking on and on;… … Useful english dictionary
te´di|ous|ly — te|di|ous «TEE dee uhs, TEE juhs», adjective. 1. long and tiring; boring; irksome: »A long talk that you cannot understand is tedious. Life is as tedious as a twicetold tale (Shakespeare). SYNONYM(S): wearisome. 2. writing or talking on and on;… … Useful english dictionary
te|di|ous — «TEE dee uhs, TEE juhs», adjective. 1. long and tiring; boring; irksome: »A long talk that you cannot understand is tedious. Life is as tedious as a twicetold tale (Shakespeare). SYNONYM(S): wearisome. 2. writing or talking on and on; wordy; … Useful english dictionary