- twelver
- [ʹtwelvə] n
1. см. шиллинг2. рел. член шиитской секты, признающей 12 имамов и верящей, что двенадцатый имам вновь явится перед судным днём
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Twelver — Part of a series on Shī‘ah Islam Twelvers The Fourteen Infallibles … Wikipedia
Twelver Shi`ism — ( ar. اثنا عشرية Ithnāˤashariyyah ) is the largest branch of Shi a branch of Islam. An adherent of Twelver Shi ism is most commonly referred to as a Twelver , which is derived from their belief in twelve divinely ordained leaders, or Imams, and… … Wikipedia
Twelver Shi`ism/Holding area — Ithna Ashariyya ( ar. اثنا عشرية Ithnāˤashariyyah ), also known as Twelver Shi ism, is the largest denomination within the Shi ite sect of the Islamic faith. An adherent of Twelver Shi ism is most commonly referred to as a Twelver , which has… … Wikipedia
Twelver Shi‘ites — (ithna ‘ashariyya) The ‘Twelvers’, or Imamis (imamiyya) as they are also known, constitute the largest sect of Shi‘ite Islam. With the development of Twelver Shi‘ism, the imam became an increasingly elevated figure. Not only was he identified… … Islamic philosophy dictionary
Twelver — /twel veuhr/, n. Islam. Imamite. [1585 95; TWELVE + ER1; i.e., follower of the twelve Imams or prophets] * * * … Universalium
twelver — twelv·er … English syllables
twelver — və(r) noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized : a member of a major Shi ite sect which acknowledges 12 imams and holds that the 12th will reappear as the Mahdi before the Last Day and of which the tenets and organization have been the state religion … Useful english dictionary
Imamah (Shi'a twelver doctrine) — This is a sub article to Imamah (Shi a doctrine) and is specifically about the Shi a twelver conception of the term.Imāmah ( ar. اٍمامة) means leadership and it is a part of the Shi a theology. The Twelve Imams are the spiritual and political… … Wikipedia
Criticism of Twelver Shi'ism — Part of a series on Shī‘ah Islam Twelvers The Fourteen Infallibles … Wikipedia
Prophethood (Twelver Shi`i Doctrine) — In Twelver Shi ah Islam Prophethood is an institution by which God sends Prophets to guide mankind and the jinn to absolute peace and perfection, or complete submission to God.It is believed that the prophets and messengers (Adam being the first… … Wikipedia
Shia clergy — Twelver Usooli and Akhbari Shia Twelver Muslims believe that the study of Islamic literature is a continual process, and is necessary for identifying all of God s laws. Twelver Shia Muslims believe that the process of finding God s laws from the… … Wikipedia