- biradial symmetry
- [baıʹreıdıəlʹsımıtrı]
двухлучевая симметрия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
biradial symmetry — A type of symmetry in which an organism consists of radially arranged parts, equally arranged on each side of a median longitudinal plane … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
biradial symmetry — /baɪˌreɪdiəl ˈsɪmətri/ (say buy.raydeeuhl simuhtree) noun symmetry manifested both bilaterally and radially in the same creature, as in ctenophores …
symmetry — /sim i tree/, n., pl. symmetries. 1. the correspondence in size, form, and arrangement of parts on opposite sides of a plane, line, or point; regularity of form or arrangement in terms of like, reciprocal, or corresponding parts. 2. the proper or … Universalium
Symmetry in biology — For other uses, see Symmetry (disambiguation) and Bilateral (disambiguation). Bilateral symmetry redirects here. For bilateral symmetry in mathematics, see reflection symmetry. The elaborate patterns on the wings of butterflies are one example of … Wikipedia
biradial — iradial adj. showing both bilateral and radial symmetry. some sea anemones are biradial. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
biradial — [bī rā′dē əl] adj. Biol. having both bilateral and radial symmetry … English World dictionary
biradial — adjective showing both bilateral and radial symmetry some sea anemones are biradial • Similar to: ↑symmetrical, ↑symmetric * * * (ˈ)bī+ adjective Etymology: bi (I) + radial : having both bilatera … Useful english dictionary
biradial — adjective Date: circa 1909 having both bilateral and radial symmetry … New Collegiate Dictionary
biradial — /buy ray dee euhl/, adj. Biol. having both bilateral and radial symmetry, as ctenophores. [1905 10; BI 1 + RADIAL] * * * … Universalium
biradial — bi•ra•di•al [[t]baɪˈreɪ di əl[/t]] adj. Biol. bio having both bilateral and radial symmetry, as ctenophores • Etymology: 1905–10 … From formal English to slang
triaxial symmetry — A type of symmetry such as biradial or bilateral symmetry, with three axes known as sagittal, longitudinal, and transverse … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology