- bipyramid
- [͵baıʹpırəmıd] n спец.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bipyramid — For Dipyramid, see mountain and Dipyramid (Alaska). Set of bipyramids (Example hexagonal form) Faces 2n triangles Edges 3n Vertices n + 2 … Wikipedia
bipyramid — (ˈ)bī+ noun Etymology: bi (I) + pyramid : dipyramid * * * bipyramidal /buy pi ram i dl/, adj. /buy pir euh mid/, n. Crystall. a form symmetrical about a plane dividing it into two pyramids. Also called dipyramid … Useful english dictionary
bipyramid — noun Date: 1897 a crystal consisting of two identical pyramids base to base • bipyramidal adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
bipyramid — bipyramidal /buy pi ram i dl/, adj. /buy pir euh mid/, n. Crystall. a form symmetrical about a plane dividing it into two pyramids. Also called dipyramid. [BI 1 + PYRAMID] * * * … Universalium
bipyramid — noun A dipyramid … Wiktionary
bipyramid — bi·pyramid … English syllables
Hexagonal bipyramid — Type bipyramid Faces 12 triangles Edges 18 Vertices 8 Face configu … Wikipedia
Octagonal bipyramid — Type bipyramid Faces 16 triangles Edges 24 Vertices 10 Face configurat … Wikipedia
Decagonal bipyramid — Type bipyramid Faces 20 triangles Edges 30 Vertices 12 Face configurat … Wikipedia
Pentagonal bipyramid molecular geometry — In chemistry a pentagonal bipyramid (or dipyramid) is a molecular geometry with one atom at the centre with seven ligands at the corners of a pentagonal dipyramid. A perfect pentagonal bipyramid belongs to the molecular point group D5h . The… … Wikipedia
Johnson solid — The elongated square gyrobicupola (J37), a Johnson solid … Wikipedia