- biparous
- [ʹbıpərəs] a
1. зоол. рождающая одновременно двух детёнышей2. бот. разветвляющийся на две ветви, на два побега
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Biparous — Bip a*rous, a. [L. bis twice + parere to bring forth.] Bringing forth two at a birth. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
biparous — bringing forth two at birth, 1731, from BI (Cf. bi ) + L. parus, from parere bring forth, bear (see PARE (Cf. pare)) … Etymology dictionary
biparous — [bip′ər əs] adj. [ BI 1 + PAROUS] 1. bearing two offspring at a birth 2. Bot. dividing into two branches … English World dictionary
biparous — adj. [L. bis, two; parere, to beget] Producing two young at a time … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
biparous — /bip euhr euhs/, adj. 1. Zool. bringing forth offspring in pairs. 2. Bot. bearing two branches or axes. [1725 35; BI 1 + PAROUS] * * * … Universalium
biparous — adjective producing two offspring from one pregnancy; twinning … Wiktionary
biparous — Bearing two young. [bi + L. pario, to give birth] * * * bip·a·rous bip ə rəs adj bringing forth two young at a birth * * * bip·a·rous (bipґə rəs) [bi + parous] producing two offspring or eggs at one time … Medical dictionary
biparous — adj. bearing two offspring at each birth (of animals) … English contemporary dictionary
biparous — bip·a·rous … English syllables
biparous — bip•a•rous [[t]ˈbɪp ər əs[/t]] adj. 1) zool. bringing forth offspring in pairs 2) bot Bot. bearing two branches or axes • Etymology: 1725–35 … From formal English to slang
biparous — /ˈbɪpərəs/ (say bipuhruhs) adjective 1. Zoology bringing forth offspring in pairs. 2. Botany bearing two branches or axes …