turkey shoot

turkey shoot
[ʹtɜ:kıʃu:t] амер.
состязание в стрельбе (в котором мишенями служат индейки)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "turkey shoot" в других словарях:

  • turkey shoot — turkey ,shoot noun count AMERICAN 1. ) INFORMAL a situation in which one group is much stronger than another group that it is competing against: The other team was missing its star player, so the game was pretty much a turkey shoot. 2. ) a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Turkey shoot — A turkey shoot is an opportunity for an individual or a party to very easily take advantage of a situation. It also implies that the shooter can t lose.A turkey shoot is also a shooting contest where frozen turkeys are awarded as prizes. The… …   Wikipedia

  • turkey shoot — noun Etymology: turkey (III) 1. a. : a contest of marksmanship with a gun using live turkeys as targets b. : a similar contest for prizes usually using moving targets 2. : something resembling a turkey shoot * * * ˈturkey shoot 7 …   Useful english dictionary

  • turkey shoot — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms turkey shoot : singular turkey shoot plural turkey shoots American informal a situation in which one group is much stronger than another group that it is competing against …   English dictionary

  • Turkey Shoot — Les Traqués de l an 2000 Les Traqués de l an 2000 (Turkey Shoot) est un film australien réalisé par Brian Trenchard Smith, sorti en 1982. Expédiés dans un camp de rééducation, certains citoyens considérés comme déviants vont servir de gibier dans …   Wikipédia en Français

  • turkey shoot —    American    a business easily concluded    Based on the size and relative immobility of the bird, which originated in the Americas, and not the Levant. Used of making money easily, killing a victim without a problem, etc.:     ... a chance for …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • Turkey Shoot (film) — Turkey Shoot is a 1982 dystopian futurist exploitation film directed by Brian Trenchard Smith notable for its extreme violence, sadistic prison sequences and plethora of 1980’s Australian soap opera stars.PlotIn the totalitarian near future,… …   Wikipedia

  • turkey-shoot — turkˈey shoot noun (slang, esp US) 1. A battle involving large scale killing or destruction of easy targets (military) 2. Anything easily won or accomplished • • • Main Entry: ↑turkey …   Useful english dictionary

  • turkey shoot — noun Date: 1845 a marksmanship contest using a moving target with a turkey offered as a prize …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • turkey shoot — 1. a marksmanship contest, usually at a festive gathering, in which rifles are fired at moving targets, originally live turkeys. 2. a. something easily accomplished; piece of cake. b. an easy destruction of enemy troops, esp. of flying aircraft.… …   Universalium

  • turkey shoot — noun informal, chiefly N. Amer. a situation, typically in a war, in which the aggressor has an overwhelming advantage …   English new terms dictionary

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