- turbinate
- 1. [ʹtɜ:bınıt] n анат.
носовая раковина (тж. turbinate bone)2. [ʹtɜ:bınıt] aимеющий форму перевёрнутого конуса
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
turbinate — [tʉr′bi nit, tʉr′bināt΄] adj. [L turbinatus < turbo (gen. turbinis), a whirl, rotation: for IE base see TURBID] 1. shaped like a cone resting on its apex, as a molluskan shell 2. shaped like a scroll or spiral; specif., designating or of any… … English World dictionary
Turbinate — Tur bi*nate, v. i. To revolve or spin like a top; to whirl. [R.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Turbinate — Tur bi*nate, Turbinated Tur bi*na ted, a. [L. turbinatus, turbo, turben, inis, a whirl, top.] 1. Whirling in the manner of a top. [1913 Webster] A spiral and turbinated motion of the whole. Bentley. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) Shaped like a top, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Turbinate — A bone shaped like a top. The turbinate is a bone in the nose; it is an extension of the ethmoid bone, is situated along the side wall of the nose, and is covered by mucous membrane. The word turbinate is related to a turbine and tornado. They… … Medical dictionary
turbinate — I. adjective also turbinated Etymology: Latin turbinatus, from turbin , turbo Date: 1661 1. shaped like a top or an inverted cone < turbinate seed capsule > 2. relating to or being a turbinate II. noun Date … New Collegiate Dictionary
turbinate — turbination, n. /terr beuh nit, nayt /, adj. 1. Also, turbinated. 2. having the shape of an inverted cone; scroll like; whorled; spiraled. 3. Anat. of or pertaining to certain scroll like, spongy bones of the nasal passages in humans and other… … Universalium
turbinate — /ˈtɜbənət/ (say terbuhnuht), / neɪt/ (say nayt) adjective Also, turbinated. 1. scroll like; whorled; spiral. 2. Anatomy denoting or relating to certain scroll like spongy bones of the nasal passages in the higher vertebrates. 3. inversely conical …
turbinate — 1. adjective a) Shaped or spinning like a top. b) In the shape of a coil. Syn: coiling, helical, spiral, spiraling, volute, whorled 2 … Wiktionary
turbinate — n. turbinate shell; nasal concha, spiral bones in the nose (Anatomy) adj. spiral; of or pertaining to some scroll like bones in the nasal chambers … English contemporary dictionary
turbinate — tur•bi•nate [[t]ˈtɜr bə nɪt, ˌneɪt[/t]] adj. Also, tur′bi•nat ed. 1) having the shape of an inverted cone; whorled; spiraled 2) anat. of or pertaining to certain scroll like, spongy bones of the nasal passages 3) ivt a turbinate shell • Etymology … From formal English to slang
turbinate bone — also tur·bi·nat·ed bone tər bə .nāt əd n NASAL CONCHA * * * see nasal concha … Medical dictionary